
Hi guys, gals, and otherwise identifying pals! (Got this line from a friend outside of Wattpad, and I think she got it from somewhere else but I don't remember where. Anyway, I thought it was great, so I'm using it.) I just wanted to say that I'm sort of back. Things are still a mess, but I think I have a better handle of it now. It's just been one thing after another after another, and if it keeps going on like this and I don't try to get back on here, I'm never going to. I miss you all, and I want to keep writing a big part of my life in and outside of Wattpad. I still have school, college applications, and scholarship applications that I have to focus on, so I'll be on here kind of sporadically. Updates will be very slow, and I probably won't get to all of my notifications. I'm still answering PMs, so please feel free to message me!


@Athensgeek3 Thanks so much! ❤ I hope to be on here more than I have been, but yeah it's a bit hectic right now lol


@Athensgeek3 Hey, good luck with your applications and all that fun stuff. College can get a bit crazy. But don't worry, we'll be here when you get back. ❤


♥️ Beautiful Person Award ♥️
          Once you get this award, you’re supposed to paste it on the wall of eight people who deserve it!
          If you break the chain, nothing will happen but it’s nice to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out!
          You is amazing and I'm happy to have ever met you, you're awesome and I miss you so much, but I understand you're doing what's best for you and you've been under a lot of stress so I'm not judging or anything, just good luck okay?


          Once you get this award youre supposed to paste it on the wall of 8 people who deserve it! If you break this chain nothing will happen, but its nice to kno someone thinks ur beautiful inside and out


this message may be offensive
Ever sense I had a threeway with two of my brother my family thought I was gay. I thought it wasnt gay if it was a three way but apparently there needs a girl in a middle for it to be straight. The problem with that is that most of my sisters have bigger penis than my brothers so we are scared to fuck'em now because being fucked in the ass ain't fun. Anyways for some reason a lot of lgbt accounts keep following and they also seem to be the most interesting accounts soooo hello!


Hey!!! Thanks for the follow..By the way I hope you can check out my book at my WattPad page...Also, don't forget to vote and comment if you like it..Have a great day!!!


@Athensgeek3 It's ok! By the way if you can, pls check it now...But it's ur choice...I hope you will check it out if you are free or whenever you are free!


@gurbani11kohli I'll check it out in a few minutes lol Have a great day too!


Hi guys, gals, and otherwise identifying pals! (Got this line from a friend outside of Wattpad, and I think she got it from somewhere else but I don't remember where. Anyway, I thought it was great, so I'm using it.) I just wanted to say that I'm sort of back. Things are still a mess, but I think I have a better handle of it now. It's just been one thing after another after another, and if it keeps going on like this and I don't try to get back on here, I'm never going to. I miss you all, and I want to keep writing a big part of my life in and outside of Wattpad. I still have school, college applications, and scholarship applications that I have to focus on, so I'll be on here kind of sporadically. Updates will be very slow, and I probably won't get to all of my notifications. I'm still answering PMs, so please feel free to message me!


@Athensgeek3 Thanks so much! ❤ I hope to be on here more than I have been, but yeah it's a bit hectic right now lol


@Athensgeek3 Hey, good luck with your applications and all that fun stuff. College can get a bit crazy. But don't worry, we'll be here when you get back. ❤


Hey, peeps.
          I'm sorry I haven't been on in the past few weeks. A lot of things have been going down, and are still going down. On top of all of that, school started for me two weeks ago, so I've been dealing with a lot between school and everything else. I still won't really be on Wattpad for a while. I don't know when I'll be back on, so everything is kind of on hold. I'll still be answering private messages if you all need to talk.
          That's it for now I guess. I hope you all are doing okay and enjoying what you have left of summer or having a good start to your school year.
          Peace out and stay awesome