
Between getting sicker and sicker since November, and my Uncle passing two days after my Birthday, which I couldn't even celebrate since I was in the Hospital with a Virus they couldn't identify.. And now a fungal infection in my ear, I have not really been able to write anything. Crown of Thorns has been sitting in the back burner, but has constantly been on my mind. Between trying to tie the lore in without loose ends and figuring out how the mechanics are going to work between beginning, middle, and end. And there are still some major plot holes... Hence why I am searching for, not one, but TWO people who will read my unfinished draft of Chapter One and give me their opinions without any bias. It is first come, first serve. Please let me know during the afternoon/evening during EST time zone. Thank you all for being so patient!


Between getting sicker and sicker since November, and my Uncle passing two days after my Birthday, which I couldn't even celebrate since I was in the Hospital with a Virus they couldn't identify.. And now a fungal infection in my ear, I have not really been able to write anything. Crown of Thorns has been sitting in the back burner, but has constantly been on my mind. Between trying to tie the lore in without loose ends and figuring out how the mechanics are going to work between beginning, middle, and end. And there are still some major plot holes... Hence why I am searching for, not one, but TWO people who will read my unfinished draft of Chapter One and give me their opinions without any bias. It is first come, first serve. Please let me know during the afternoon/evening during EST time zone. Thank you all for being so patient!


I know I made a few promises, but due to the passing of my Aunt in November, I have lost a lot of my energy and motivation lately. Especially since my family has completely shattered because of it.
          One of my promises was for Chapter Seven of Crown of Thorns, and, honestly, I don't like how the story itself has come out. I will most likely rewrite all chapters. As well as making some new updates regarding characters, families, rankings, etc.... The notebook and pen has been my go to for the past two days, writing out information, fleshing out characters and backgrounds.
          I just need time, ya know? I just did not expect my aunt to... pass.. So, I am sorry to all my readers who have been following this story. But I swear the story will continue. I am also open to recommendations and suggestions to make the story better.
          Happy Thanksgiving.


Chapter One to Crystalline has been posted. For those following Crown of Thorns, do not worry, I am still writing Chapter Seven currently. I've been a bit busy with family issues and other important life stuff. I'm doing the best I can, so please have some patience with me.
          Thank you!


I want to apologize for the lengthy delay for CoT, I have been in pretty bad shape health wise. And it had inhibited me from writing updates. I've been coughing up a storm and just generally feeling weak. My mother will be taking me to get test for covid at a new testing center that's being put up in my area. I apologize for the inconvenience. I do, however, have plans on rewriting somethings in the last chapter. If not the last two chapters possibly. I didn't really like how the last chapter came out and I feel like I kinda lost my sight in where I was going with it. This is difficult for me because this technically my first true story that I'm trying to flesh out as my first book. And clearly, if anyone has noticed, I'm a perfectionist. Please remember that a good deal of this writing is more of a draft trial run. So there will be an insane amount of flaws. I hope everyone stays safe and wear their masks if they truly have to leave their house. Love ya!