Happy New Year people.
Worst start of the year for me cuz my six year old cousin just came over a couple of days ago for an impromptu sleepover (read as his parents appointed us his unpaid babysitters for x number of days)
And as much as I love him, god I hate kids. Its not about the annoyance or whatever but, if you are responsible for a kid, they deserve every drop of your love, attention and focus. AND I do NOT have it in me to give that.
So please parents. Keep your kids to yourself. I do not want to look after them at all.
Apart from that, I think I actually... did not hate 2024. Of all my recent years I think in some amount I can even be proud of 2024. I finally took the wheel of my own life and even though it isn't looking up yet, that itself is good enough right now.
I do not truly believe in new years, birthdays etc. There is not fresh start, just an illusion of one. Life is a spiral, parallel and reflective at the same time. But it is nice to look back at a section of time I suppose.
And well, this is the first time for me that I have reflected and come back with something almost positive. It wasn't too bad of a year 2024.
I hope the next isn't too bad either. Life wont become magical just like that ofcourse, I know I am in for a horrible time but hopefully, there are some good days mixed in there somewhere, and my graph of development goes up more than it goes down.
I hope the same for all of you. Love you guys