Look I know some of you have been waiting like THE LONGEST for an update, but since I did say that after the The ‘Bets’ chapter series thing I will publishing the first 5 chapters to the Yoongi fanfic I’ve been busy with that. Not to mention I got this idea for a lizkook or is it liskook, you know I don’t even know at this point honestly, I need to write that idea down. School started, and since I miss the first week cause I was in vacation I got a ton of work, I haven’t been sleeping or eating well either, and I have this 3 hour workout that I don’t even want to mention, also I’m at the edge of loosing my friendship with one of the most important friends in my life, and it’s someone else’s doing and I’m being blame for it. Play rehearsals, don’t even ask, my teacher would say we will be down in an hour, 3 hours later he says we can go at 7. I’ll promise I’ll update soon!!!!!!!!! Ok I promise!