
Hey all, it’s been a while since I’ve talked on here. So I guess it’s time to update you all on things.
          	The new car is great, awesome car to get around in.
          	I started a new job in October, I work with my dad helping him with spare parts, I love the job.
          	I also got a new camera and I have been playing around with that.
          	All in all it’s been good ever since my accident.
          	Hope y’all have a good day.
          	- Atlas (They/She)


Hey all, it’s been a while since I’ve talked on here. So I guess it’s time to update you all on things.
          The new car is great, awesome car to get around in.
          I started a new job in October, I work with my dad helping him with spare parts, I love the job.
          I also got a new camera and I have been playing around with that.
          All in all it’s been good ever since my accident.
          Hope y’all have a good day.
          - Atlas (They/She)


Hey all, today I was involved in a minor car accident, I'm fine nothing broken but I was pretty shaken up.
          I'm going to the doctors later today as I have pain from hitting my head on the car seat.
          So what happened was that I stopped for a truck or a road train as it was coming out of a road and I was from behind and the car behind me was hit by the car behind him.
          The back of my car is damaged severely and the covers for the light were broken, I'm going to see what insurance says and if the car can be repaired, if it can't I will use the other car we have until I can get a replacement car.
          Just letting you all know what has happened as I want to get it out before I bottle it away.
          Thanks for understanding xoxo
          -Atlas (They/She)


FINAL UPDATE; On the 1st of September I got the new car, it’s a 2002 ford laser which I have decided to name major. So I’m getting used to driving the car now. But that is it from me in regards to my car and what has happened.


Update 2: The car is a write off due to the damages costing 10,000 and the car was only insured for about 5,000, so I’m borrowing my dads car for only essential travel until I can get a car for myself, my mum has to get the plates back and let the department of transport know of the situation and we will get money back for that. But that’s all I have regarding the situation, maybe I will update when I get the new car.


@Atlas_Winchester120 Update: I've been to the phyiso and they gave me a couple of stretches to do for my neck im yet to hear back on the car to see if can be repaired or not but i will be put on the insurance for the other car we have and i will use that car only if its necessary since its not my car, its my dads car. 
            So hopefully by the weekend i will update about the car.