
Happy New Years! :)
          	New year, new you or me or something so I'm gonna get this dang chapter done! >:[
          	And the payoff will be huge once I get this story rolling again! :)
          	Love you guys! (not actually I mean like platonically or maybe not idk) :3


@ AtrayumX  happy late year sorry


I totally love you to!(in a platonic way)


Greetings, hope everything is working well into your favors. I wanted to ask you on how you write so elegantly and story telling is on point, I take great inspiration from your works and I would love for some pointers from you 


@AtrayumX Hey, if you're feeling lost writing a chapter, don't sweat it. Take a break and come back with a fresh perspective. Check your outline or story plan to get back on track. Break the chapter into smaller chunks and tackle them bit by bit. And don't forget to trust your gut – you've got this!


@Mrtechnonerd I'm lost. Me saying I'm new to writing was an understatement.


Happy New Years! :)
          New year, new you or me or something so I'm gonna get this dang chapter done! >:[
          And the payoff will be huge once I get this story rolling again! :)
          Love you guys! (not actually I mean like platonically or maybe not idk) :3


@ AtrayumX  happy late year sorry


I totally love you to!(in a platonic way)


It was another accident. They need to do something about the publish button being next to the ducking save options button like dude there should be a 'are you sure' text if you press it on accident. I'm really sorry if I brought anyone's hopes up
          I'm having serious trouble with this latest chapter because it's like what was the point of the 'do your best Iida' episode in the first place there was no point but I also don't wanna skip over anything just because I'm too detail oriented.
          Rest assured I haven't given up on the story and I already have a lot planned. Again so sorry, stay safe, and I'll see you in the next chapter


I love your story by the way, the most unique


Awesome, I like your story mostly changing things around and such


@Tryeonic thank you so much, friend. I haven't given up, but at the moment I'm at a block and more things in real life keep piling up. I'm still working around the block and I WILL continue the story. I'm glad you enjoyed, and there will be more to read soon. 


Hey guys! I have an announcement to make!
          It's come to my attention that Congress is planning to pass a bill that will make popular media platforms (like this one) suitable for kids by default.
          I looked it up and I think it may also restrict access to Wattpad for some of you. If this bill gets passed and you can't read my story, please let me know.
          I'll move Mighty Champion to another site of your choosing. The majority vote will win.
          Thank you.