
Hello my loves! we are officially moving onto Titan's Curse and I am so excited to show you guys what I have planned! First, I do want to inform you all that chapters will be A LOT longer than they normally were for SOM. Before, chapters were only about 5,000 words on average. Now, I am aiming for them to be around 10,000-15,000. Because of this, chapters won't be posted as frequently as they were in the past, but I will try my absolute hardest to have them published as fast as possible. I did want you all to be aware of this and not think I was discontinuing the books LOL. Also, I was wondering if I should change from a third person pov to first person pov for the rest of the series. Let me know what you guys think I should do and until next time, muah!


Yesss I’m so excited!!!!


I can't even describe how much I love together. That story IS my roman empire. And it's given me so much inspiration for my own percy fic I'm starting. But your writing???? The definition of PERFECTION. Like, it's genius. An even though I've gotten mass amounts of PTSD, I love it all the same. Together is truly one of the best stories, not just fanfics, I think I've ever read. Because Percy and Lana>>>> Like, I would actually get on my KNEES to have a love like theirs. 
          Just trying to say that I love you're writing, and your tiktoks are so entertaining. But in all, you're an amazing writer. Never forget that<33


@Rosys_paradise girllll you just made my entire day! i'm honestly so touched by your words. to know that together has had such an impact on you and inspired your own writing means the absolute world. and i can't even begin to express how much your love for percy and lana (and their chaotic, beautiful dynamic) means to me. seriously, your support just gives me all the motivation to keep writing.
            as for the ptsd... it's a lot, but i’m so glad you’re sticking with it and enjoying the journey!. thank you for your incredibly kind words about my writing and tiktoks—your support truly keeps me going!
            you're an amazing person too, rosy. never forget that, either. keep writing and shining, and i can’t wait to see what you come up with for your percy fic!


i don’t wanna put spoiler here but the recent chapter OMD ur a genius I love your writing keep doing what ur doing  (also I love ur TikToks they r always so entertaining!)


@graceearchives Aww, thank you so much! That means the world to me! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it (and my TikToks too)!  <3


I just have to ask, with Epic the Musical playing on repeat in my head, would you ever do a one shot of Percy and Lana being thrown back. And Hermes, Poseidon, and Odysseus just have to deal with an absolutely feral Percy, and an overly competent Lana. Like who are these terrifying children/young adults!


I'm just imagining Percy some how ending up with Odysseus, realizing that Lana is missing/somehow figuring out Lana is in Ithica, nd then spead running the Odyssey dragging Odysseus along with him. And of course along the way Percy  end up angering some gods *coughHermescough*, who is trying to get this random daughter of his, and everything spirals out of control.


@priestess1234 ouuuu that would be really interesting!! i think i would make that separate from the actually books and make that its own thing, but im really loving that idea!!


Yep. Somehow or someway Percy and Lana end up in ancient Greece during the Odyssey.


Please tell me another update/s is coming soon this book is sooooooo freakin amazing I’ll gladly sell my soul fr. I always get so excited when I see a new chapter even tho it can get heartbreaking at times I’ll forever continue to read this absolute masterpiece!!! Truly a work of art.
          Also Percy better get himself in check or ima start rooting for Jason or whomever comes next and starts treating Lana as she deserves to be treated 


@Tia-maria22 Wow, thank you so much for such an amazing comment! Your excitement really made my day! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the story, even through the tough moments. It means a lot to me that you’re so invested in Lana and the journey she’s on. And trust me, Percy’s got some work to do if he’s going to keep up LMAO! Your support keeps me motivated, and I can’t wait to share the next update with you. Thank you again for the love and encouragement, MUAH :)