
this message may be offensive
Hey everyone. 
          	Who wants to rp? I'm bored as fuck.... xD


hey you wrote "Calling the Ghosts" right?! if so why did you delete it? I thought it was fantastic! so if you have the answers to my questions that would be great.


@StephanieGurllxxx Hey :)
            Ok I understand. Its great that you are planning to bring the story back tho.
             Don't worry about the grammar mistakes lol. 
            I was just curious about it thanks for clearing that up for me lol
            bye! :) 


@JordayneRobbins Write* (I'm sorry for the grammar mistake(s))


@JordayneRobbins Hello! 
            I did indeed wrote 'calling the ghosts', and I did indeed delete it. My reason for deleting it is, it was my very first book. I didn't know how to connect some subjects, I didn't know how to move on with the story other than moving on to another subject in the story itself. Also, I wasn't very good at English back then. 
            But! I am planning on bringing that story back, only with other characters and another storyline.
            If there are any more questions about this subject, or something else, -no matter what-, you can always message me.
            Have a great day! 


~I don't know what's worth fighting for, or why I have to scream, I don't know why I instigate, and say what I don't mean, I don't know how I got this way, I know it's not alright, so I'm breaking the habit, I'm breaking the habit tonight...~ Linkin Park - Breaking the habit