Hey guys! I sincerely apologize for not doing any work on my story or adding any more character bios. I've been having the write, read, edit, reread, erase, rewrite, read, edit, read, erase problem since I have been wanting to make the first chapter grab the readers attention. My rule of thumb for writing is if it doesn't catch your attention or if it's boring to you and your the author then it will be boring to the readers too. If you can't read your own stories and smile then it doesn't seem to work as well :/. Sorry for sharing my opinion if you don't agree though, I was just rambling. Any way the next Character Bio in The Hero Chronicles: The Guide and Character Bios is up. I will be posting another character bio after I finish this post. If you read all of this post treat your self to the digital cookie jar, careful though it's on the top shelf ;). (::)