
this message may be offensive
My motivation to write died whenever Wilbur soot was outed as an abuser. If you guys hadn't seen Starlights, I focused on him and the SBI. And shit, with SBI only being Phil and Tommy left, it's rough to try and write that. I think I'm finally falling from the dsmp, but my will to write left too. I wanted to believe that Wilbur was a good person, but with all of his responses, he's clearly only making it worse for himself. I feel bad that I ever supported him, but God damn when I was writing about him  and the family dynamic, I couldn't be happier. 
          	Please, how do I recover? I want to write again, I have so much creative energy, but I haven't been able to write since


@Atty1124 ooo I bet your drawing looks scrumptious and best wishes for your future


@TommyxCoke thank you so much, i'm sorry for the late reply, this means a lot to me, I've actually been drawing recently as a creative outlet, but i've had a few ideas float in my head. I'll likely be  writing about a different fandom, but i may still stay on wattpad, Thank you for your comment and caring, i hope you're doing well too <33


@Atty1124 hia I just wanna say it'll take time still. We loved him and looked up to him for so long just to find out the truth and nothing feels the same anymore however if you are able to, you could make your own characters or see if you have the energy to write about a different fandom. Honestly no matter what you do, I hope you're Oki. <33


this message may be offensive
My motivation to write died whenever Wilbur soot was outed as an abuser. If you guys hadn't seen Starlights, I focused on him and the SBI. And shit, with SBI only being Phil and Tommy left, it's rough to try and write that. I think I'm finally falling from the dsmp, but my will to write left too. I wanted to believe that Wilbur was a good person, but with all of his responses, he's clearly only making it worse for himself. I feel bad that I ever supported him, but God damn when I was writing about him  and the family dynamic, I couldn't be happier. 
          Please, how do I recover? I want to write again, I have so much creative energy, but I haven't been able to write since


@Atty1124 ooo I bet your drawing looks scrumptious and best wishes for your future


@TommyxCoke thank you so much, i'm sorry for the late reply, this means a lot to me, I've actually been drawing recently as a creative outlet, but i've had a few ideas float in my head. I'll likely be  writing about a different fandom, but i may still stay on wattpad, Thank you for your comment and caring, i hope you're doing well too <33


@Atty1124 hia I just wanna say it'll take time still. We loved him and looked up to him for so long just to find out the truth and nothing feels the same anymore however if you are able to, you could make your own characters or see if you have the energy to write about a different fandom. Honestly no matter what you do, I hope you're Oki. <33


Hi, I'm still here despite everything. I've had no motivation to write because everything that I once had a padding for writing either died off or had some not great people involved.
          I wish to write again, but I have nothing really to go off of anymore.
          If you have any suggestions or requests, just leave a comment or pm me I guess, thanks for sticking around


thanks for the suggestions, I'll keep those in mind <3 I really do enjoy writng so it may be useful


@Atty1124 I'm glad you're still here bro, if the suggestions you're looking for are something like fandoms to write for or simply characters, I think a dead plate is a good way to exercise your skill since there are a few 'spots' in the story. Or the very odd yandere simulator, with a lot of weird stuff in it because of the creator, which leaves a lot of room for change/creativity if you're looking to practice some filling in the holes 


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So you may have already seen my starlights story updates, but i am pretty sure they are discontinued for the rewrite.  Wilbur's apology was shit and while i wrote about the persona rather than the CC, it still makes it quite difficult to seperate the two in my head. If this shit with wilbur clears up (meaning that he somehow gains shubbles forgiveness) then there may be a chance i rewrite it with the characters, if not, however, if you guys want me to rewrite it still, ill find wither a new set of characters or something to write about to not lose the integrity of the story. I will not be taking it down unless it is overwhelmingly requested because i fucking worked hard on those, and i was not representing William Gold, but online internet persona wilbur soot. I do not support his actions and i hope that none of you do, and i will not give him forgiveness until he can get his head out of his ass and apologize sincerely, and manages to get his manipulative ass behavior under control. I was infatuated with his character and personality that i missed what was barely even hidden.
          ((Im gonna pirate the music because i cant bring myself just yet to drop it but i will not be supporting him financially)


@Atty1124 also I literally dropped the music like a day after posting this LMAO


I’m sorry ik you worked really hard on it :(


Should I start rewriting Starlights, write a new story, or just chill and don't force myself to do anything right now? 
          I kind of want to write but I don't know if I wanna have to try and stick to a schedule again


@Atty1124 you should give yourself a break and not force yourself to write if your not in the mood 


okay, so why is it that on my ao3 account, I can write 2-5k words easily for nearly every day of Whumptober, but yet I can't write SBI family dynamics of that length in nearly two weeks
          AUGH IT'S SO FRUSTRATING, I took up the whumptober challenge on my ao3 to try and stop my writer's block, but by the time I finish the prompt for that day (other than the past 2 days) I have no motivation left to write? :sob:


You ever had to rewrite a whole scene because you forget to add a character in? mmmm I love adding in dialogue so that the character is remembered.
          Anyways, Chapter 5 of Starlights will be out September 30th (Saturday) at 12pm EST


Here soon I'll begin writing extras for Starlights. Essentially they're chapters told following someone other than Wilbur to give more insight to details and events mentioned during the main story. Feel free to suggest ideas


I didn't forget about Starlights, I promise. I've been rewriting and rewriting for the past month and I'm still trying to figure out how to end it so that we can move on. But I do have a lot of "Side" chapters and an epilogue to write once I finish the chapter. Thank you guys for staying patient with me


The final chapter has over 5k words so far, and it's probably not even halfway through O.o
          Hopefully it'll still be uploaded by the 18th, but 5k words in 3-4 days is a lot...
          But hey, final chapter soon!
          Whenever the final chapter is posted, there will be a bunch of little notes at the end, some will be things I forgot to include, or wanted to include and decided not to, just random bits of stuff, anyways, see you guys soon :D