
Welcome to September!
          	So the big news is I'm starting to get into editing! I've been doing it as an intern and I realized how much I love it and I want to do it for a job! See my profile for details!
          	Writer Report
          	-my process has been remade! Can't wait to start again!
          	-I've started transcription work too!
          	-finished reading the 90 day novel and wow I can't recommend it enough!
          	Find me: Aubrey_Spivey on twitter, Instagram, and now Raccoon!


Welcome to September!
          So the big news is I'm starting to get into editing! I've been doing it as an intern and I realized how much I love it and I want to do it for a job! See my profile for details!
          Writer Report
          -my process has been remade! Can't wait to start again!
          -I've started transcription work too!
          -finished reading the 90 day novel and wow I can't recommend it enough!
          Find me: Aubrey_Spivey on twitter, Instagram, and now Raccoon!


August has been a heck of a month for me!
          I've moved, I saw the solar event of a life time, and I wrote over +60k words!
          ....I feel like I need a nap lol
          Some other exciting news from today. You  might know Wattpad has released a video story telling app called Raccoon....well guess who was featured on the front page. This gal! Along with 
          Writer Report
          -Scaled back Make a Wish uploads to Wednesday
          -Revamping my entire writing process
          -getting inspired by writers at Dragon Con!
          Also I've got a new bullet journal and I'm back into it! I can't wait to write more about the milestones I've reached. 
          Find me: Aubrey_Spivey on twitter, Instagram, and now Raccoon!


So I've had a very hot and cold week. Some days I managed up to 7,000 words other days noooothing. 
          But guys, the eclipse. It was so incredibly epic. I wish I could describe how amazing the feeling and sight was. 
          -So I have made 50,000+ words in the #August100k challenge, not met but hey that's more than enough for nanowrimo coming up so I'm happy. 
          -and, of course, just as I started posting  Make a Wish, I replotted into a trilogy and have to change things -_- that's life my friends.


So this is going to be a bit unusual for my writer report, but I'm moving  into  a new house and  the internet isn't being moved until next week :) 
          - I've joined the #August100k challenge to keep up with word count, annnnd as of today I am at 39,721 words!
          - I couldn't keep sitting on my first book so I'm putting it on Wattpad! Make a Wish chapters will be uploaded on Wednesdays and Fridays!


It's been a heck of a week. I'm getting back up to speed, and I think joining the 100k Word  Challenge in August really helped to get me motivated. And I've been keeping better track of my count!
          Writer Report:
          -over 10K words this week, hoping to do much more this month!
          -Working on something new ;)


It's been another dry spell of a week. I'm still not back up to speed and on top of that I've been sick. No excuses. Time to get back into my routine. 
          I did come to a conclusion though, that brought both anxiety and excitement. The first book I wrote was supposed to be a two in a series. I've now realized it would benefit the story, and the eventual self-publishing, if  it were a trilogy. 
          Anxiety because I'll have to scrap the cover ideas I love, and I've never done this before. Excited because, hey, I've never done this before! 
          Writer Report:
          - lots of writing exercises for Ghosted. 
          -rereading the 90 day novel and making my own lesson plan!


I've finished my first story on Wattpad! It's short but I'm so proud I managed to complete it, especially with how hard things have been the past few weeks.  And we're up to 75 reads! Also I picked up my copy of the 90 day novel and It's really been helpful!
          Writer Report:
          about 8k words this week
          I've officially started on Ghosted!
          Haven't started editing cause I hate it, but starting soon!
          I also had a dream my duo-logy was a trilogy, and I'm seriously thinking it over. Also villains, muahaha.


I actually managed to get a word count this week! Woot! Also this is my first full month on Wattpad and I've gotten 50 reads! Double Woot for baby steps! Sorry I'm a little late but I've been getting back to friends and family. 
          Writer Report
          About 3,000 words this week, usually my daily goal but I'm getting back in the swing of things at last!
          About to start revising make a wish with editor's edits!
          Finish Feral short story
          Start on Ghosted
          Editing Make a Wish and starting on the sequel!


It's a strange feeling when someone close to you passes away. It's like time is standing still but everything else is still going. Then I realized it's just me who hasn't been moving. We got so busy with planning services and doing all the things you have to do for funeral...I haven't had time to think, I've avoided  being alone with my thoughts. And as a writer, that's what I really needed. 
          I honetly can't remember if I've written anything, I think I have, started working on Ghosted, added another chapter to Feral. But I looked in my journal yesterday and realized my (almost) daily habit had dropped to nothing for the last two weeks. 
          I'm going to try to get back to normal, or maybe just adjust to the new normal around me.