@BrittanieCharmintine Thank you! I REALLY enjoyed reading "Vampires and the Mermaids Who Love Them"!!!!!! You are a gifted author!!! Please write more!!! Maybe write a book where Pierce and Wave get married! Wattpad is a really cool app. It's so cool to be able to chat with your favorite authors!!!

@BrittanieCharmintine Yay!!! I have a knack for reading amazing books in which the author never finishes the series!!! It's so frustrating! I can't wait to read more of your books!!!

@AuburnBliss Thanks so much!!!! I will keep writing books. I'm planning on making this a series. And I am a romantic at heart. Some day, Pierce and Wave must get married and have little mervampire babies! It's great to chat with our favorite readers too!!! Thanks for following me as well! Britt :D