
Changing fate is in the process of being Beta'd and is currently undergoing some changes. Some big changes and some small but overall it's the same story. I'm not sure when but it most definitely will be updated. I'm looking forward to letting you guys finally see it!


Changing fate is in the process of being Beta'd and is currently undergoing some changes. Some big changes and some small but overall it's the same story. I'm not sure when but it most definitely will be updated. I'm looking forward to letting you guys finally see it!


I know I said I'd update Changing Fate weekly (or as least try to) but I am currently waiting on my Beta reader. I decided not to post it until it had been reviewed by someone else. Thank you for your patience :-)


Chapter three of Changing Fate is now up! So sorry for the wait but my Beta reader is really busy with school and I was sorely lacking inspiration. I hope to have most of the story written by the end of the month so the new chapters should up soon!