
Guh! What's wrong with me...


You should never say such harsh words about yourself. You deserve so much better than that.


@SomeWhatDistracted I know. I was just really mad at myself last night. Sometimes I just wish I was different. I struggle a lot with confidence, and I'm kind of a push over. I mean, I don't mind doing things for people, but if they ask me to do something for them all the time and they expect it from me, then I get upset. And I'm not good at sticking up for myself or for other people. I'm the type of person where I just let stuff go (sometimes) I shrug it off, and laugh it away.That's just the way I am. I can't help it. I just wish I was different sometimes is all. But then I remember that God made me this way for a reason. :-)


Home from IU? What is IU? I ask because I know of an IU and am wondering if it is the same. The IU I know is in Bloomington, Indiana.


@SomeWhatDistracted It was lonesome the first few days. I'm not the best at making friends. I'm a by-myself-kind-of-person. 
            And the classes are far apart as I've mentioned. It was quite an experience. I gained a little bit of confidence. I mostly learned about reporting and how to interview people, how a newspaper is put together. 
            The bottom line was that everything has a story to be told, you just gotta know where to find it. And you've got to own your story, really make something of it. Oh I could go on and on. 
            I feel more 'grown up' if you will. It was great. By the third day I felt more comfortable and I made two new friends. They were hilarious! Bunch of wonderful people. Everyone was so nice. 
            Definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. All I ate was pizza. It was the cheapest thing. They gave us these meal cards to use with $50 on it. I managed to make it last me the whole week! I got my own room, my own shower; kind of like a hotel in a way. It was nice, but I don't think it's the college I'm going to attend. It's too big for my liking. But as I've said, great experience, really gave me an idea what the real world is like. Freedom isn't necessarily the term I'd use but it was something along that word. 
            Going to IU just really gave me a chance to grow, to get away from home, and to learn more about the one thing I'm most passionate about. 
            Although, I'd prefer to pursue something with creative writing, not necessarily writing reports and articles for newspapers. I want to make my own stories, create my own characters, but it was nice to learn about that type of journalism.


@AudreyBelle It's definitely a huge campus. Very pretty, too. And the culture...loved that! 
            I'm originally from a small town in Indiana, but have lived in/around fairly large cities for the past 9 years.
            Tell me more about your experience.


@SomeWhatDistracted And there were kids from all over the world who came just to participate. I'm talking about kids from Chicago, California, New Jersey. There's even been students that come all the way from Africa, Japan, China! You wouldn't believe all the different cultures and people you get to interact with and everyone is so nice! It really was an interesting experience. Really out of my comfort zone, but it was good. I'm used to small towns and I go to a very small school. So... yeah. Definitely a new experience for me.