While you can't see them currently, I have three stories planned given my overall content basis- though I can't guarantee how often they'll be posted. Two of which will be Fanfictions, based on the lovely and beautiful worlds of Star Wars and Dragon Ball Z. Inspired by my tabletop group and their exploits, I'd like to chronicle some of their work here in hopes that some of you will enjoy their tales being weaved and the stories being told. While I am expecting some sort of suffering at possible plot holes or the heavy load of all of the writing, I hope that I can complete what I can.
The third piece of writing, however, is a completely new series known as Myth: Legends and Fables. Affectionately inspired by the works of DC Comics and Marvel, the series will follow a new set of heroes in their own world- fighting in the cramped streets of San Francisco. Given I'll be writing this under a single novel, but spread between marked chapters for each hero- you'll be able to keep up with the stories of your favorite characters and how they intertwine. Also inspired by my tabletop group, I do hope you all enjoy the nonsense that they'll go through.
And that'll be it for now! I do believe I'll rethink Spirit Machine, as it's not been the most overwhelming story to face my attention- I hope to return to it eventually, or rewrite it. Sorry to those of you whom may have greatly enjoyed the story, but I'd rather a clean and concise piece of work rather than an overly confusing or underwhelming story.