
this message may be offensive
hello, all.
          	once again, so many things have happened in my life since I was last active on here that I've had to do soooooo much healing from. I'll spare you all the details this time, though, but, long story short, compulsive liars can ruin your fucking life.
          	I don't feel inclined to tell you that an update for A Worthy Heir will be coming soon. I intend on finishing the book/series eventually, but putting any pressure on myself to do it anytime soon will just burn me out.
          	I do a shit ton of writing, still, though. I am developing and working on different stories every day, ones that I've never shared anywhere with anyone.
          	if you'd like to keep up with my writing in the slightest, I have a writing discord that you're free to message me about, and I have an instagram account that I share poetry on @/aufertemalum so please give that a follow.
          	I really want to get active on here again, so you'll hopefully be hearing more from me. :)


lmao it's actually really funny that this got marked as offensive because I used the F word.


this message may be offensive
hello, all.
          once again, so many things have happened in my life since I was last active on here that I've had to do soooooo much healing from. I'll spare you all the details this time, though, but, long story short, compulsive liars can ruin your fucking life.
          I don't feel inclined to tell you that an update for A Worthy Heir will be coming soon. I intend on finishing the book/series eventually, but putting any pressure on myself to do it anytime soon will just burn me out.
          I do a shit ton of writing, still, though. I am developing and working on different stories every day, ones that I've never shared anywhere with anyone.
          if you'd like to keep up with my writing in the slightest, I have a writing discord that you're free to message me about, and I have an instagram account that I share poetry on @/aufertemalum so please give that a follow.
          I really want to get active on here again, so you'll hopefully be hearing more from me. :)


lmao it's actually really funny that this got marked as offensive because I used the F word.


ANOTHER long overdue update of A Worthy Heir is out now as, just a couple days ago, I’ve come out of my funk with it and have picked it back up. I’ve been working on so many other projects, I can’t just sit down and finish one before starting another and it’s NUTS. my life has been going wonderfully. my boyfriend and i are over 6 months now, going strong. my father and i are on speaking terms again. i cut a lot of my hair off again and it’s red now. my boyfriend and i both broke up with our girlfriend because she was… anyways, i still grow into a better person and writer every day. thank you to those who read this and who are there for me, whether they read my work or not. :)


long overdue update of A Worthy Heir is out now.
          so many things have happened in my life since I was last active on here.
          triggering content ahead, but it has been my life these many months.
          I broke up with a long-term boyfriend. my grandmother died. I've been dealing, as always, with health issues. I was drugged at a concert I went to over the summer. my father and I haven't spoken since I graduated college. I dyed my hair purple, then blue, and cut most of it off. had my first hookup, got searched by police. shot my first gun and took my first pregnancy test. I cut for the first time. I was briefly alcoholic. I started a new job as a cook. I lost too much weight. I got treated like a joke by myself and by others. after all that, I've begun dating my very best friend/soulmate (something else long overdue), as well as his girlfriend, so we're a polycule, and I couldn't be more in love with them or life with them. most importantly, all of these things helped me find myself and become a stronger and softer person, in spirit, in mind, in body, and soul.


It's kinda nice to be putting my stuff here because (as sad as it sounds) nobody like... really pays attention? On Quotev when I was publishing my stories people would be commenting like "WHOA THE F***" and it was great but this is really chill.


I'm also not pressured to update in a timely manner (or at all) so that's also kinda neat.


Hi! If you haven't heard, I have been putting my finished five-book series on this website, and I would love to see more people reading it!
          In other news, once I'm done putting the series up, I will be putting up shorter works that I have been working on (unfinished)!


oops, six-book series


Hello, I'm very happy to start sharing my work here! I'm still getting the hang of it, but I have begun putting up the books of the five-book series I have just finished. Once the whole series is up, I'll start putting up single novels! :)