
I updated Woman -The Definition
          	It only took me 180 days but... :D
          	The weekend is coming to an end, my sympathy to all.


Hello! I am on Christmas break at last! I just spent 8 hours on homework and exams, and am ready to sleep until noon for the next two weeks. I was wondering if I should just leave my three current works with 1 part each, or update...if anyone has ideas on what I could possibly add, I would much appreciate the feedback and would give credit if you want :D 
          Merry Christmas!


I love your books so much! You have inspired me to publish a book similar to yours. Seeing one person speak up makes me feel like now I can join them and step up. I can finally show my opinion. No more hiding in the shadows, it is time for me to express my beliefs not caring about what everyone else thinks. You are an amazing person. Keep writing your books, I absolutely love them so much.


D'X You made my month! Thank you so much! YES. I really appreciate the encouragement!


I have started my new book, mind if I pin you?


Hi, I just published a new story, it's not exactly a chapter book, just short reads about the modern world. It's call The World We Live In, it's a short part, if you decide to check it out, I hope you enjoy it!


Thank you for taking time to read it! I really appreciate the support and encouragement <33 Do what is right, even when it's hard!


@AugustOphelia I read the first part, and I agreed with it so far. You did good sticking up for what you believed in, which I know is hard because often days, we're shut down and treated as if our opinions don't matter. 


          Hey Stranger ✨❤️✨
          What does freedom mean to you?
          You might be interested in my book Zoey and Zolani. It explores the topic of true love and freedom. 
          I hope you join me on the journey as we figure out the answer together ! 
          Have a lovely day ✨❤️☄️
