
قد تنظر إلى ما انظر الية ولكنك لا ترى ما اراه


انا حي اتغير كل يوم لا يغريني 
          جمعكم ولا التفت كثيرا الطابور 
          الذي تقفون فية وحين لا تقبلوني
          كما أنااغادركم بكل بساطة فأنتم
          حين ذاك اموات بالنسبة لي 


Isn't it strange that there are many versions of you in other people's minds? Some people see you as a shy person who doesn't talk, some see you as an annoying person who won't shut up, and some see you as a cold and cruel person. However, no one really knows you, and this is the irony of your existence.