Intentando compartir mis historias, mientras disfruto los mundo de otras personas<3
  • انضمAugust 2, 2018

قصص بقلم Aural4444
Month Long Yoga Retreat fancomic بقلم Aural4444
Month Long Yoga Retreat fancomic
Floyd has been rescued, the brothers are reunited, the sisters are reunited, and it's one big happy party. Ex...
Sabor a ti بقلم Aural4444
Sabor a ti
Un asesino caníbal que come a sus amantes escribe una carta de amor a su última victima.
+1 أكثر
Taste of you بقلم Aural4444
Taste of you
A cannibalistic killer who eats his lovers writes a love letter to his latest victim.
+1 أكثر
1 قائمة قراءة