
Just included a picture of Ares in my most recent chapter!! Try to refresh if you can’t see it, and tell me what you think! Oh, and also pretend his eyes are a light,  golden brown! lolol. I think he fits Ares the way I needed it to! 
          	And thank you all for still following me on this journey, it means a lot to me. Love you all


@AuralKill  I am loving it... keep updating girl you're doing a amazing job 


Hey! I'm a representative of G∅∅d N∅vel. I want to ask if you'd be interested in signing one or more of your stories with my platform. No pressure, if you're not interested then you can simply tell me or ignore. And if you're here are some details about the contract we offer.
          Good Novel is a legit platform, where writers get encouraged and paid for there hard work.
          We offer two contracts.
          Exclusive Contract: It pays better. Once you sign the contract and update up to 30k words, you get your signing bonus which is $100, also your book gets locked, and you start making 50% shares earned from your book. You can withdraw immediately you get up to $100
          That's not all, this is more of our payment scheme.
          120k words = $100 signing fee
          $150 attendance bonus
          $250 Completion bonus
          Total: $500
          150k words = $100 Signing few
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          $150×6 = Attendance bonus
          $400 + $1,000 = Completion bonus
          Total = $2,400 USD
          Non-Exclusive Contract: You can post your book on any other platform, as many as you like. We have no issue with you. You get 50% shares made from your book, and also get $50 when you update up to 120k words. which is now a paid story.
          Can we proceed? Pick one you feel comfortable with.
          you are interested in our mind-blowing offer, kindly reply this message , or better DM on WhatsApp+2347058520208


          I hope your doing well and okay. Please if you can update queen of darkness. It’s a really good book I lost count how many times I read it, reading the book series has been helping me through a rough time. all of us your readers who read this book or some that are starting to read this amazing story, we are supporting you no matter what. But we hope you return soon to see the love that your story is getting and how many people your affecting with this story making them feel better about their day or just taking a break from the real world to experience a moment of fantasy life aka Greek mythology.
          Hope you can return soon and see how many people love your story and wish for you to go on.
          Sincerely, Your Readers


@AuralKill  Hello! Sorry I didn’t see this before I am so happy that  you responded to my  
            text. I hope you doing okay and are you still in writers block? Is there any thing I could help with or we as readers can help you?  What platform are you going to use? I hope everything is going well can’t wait to hear from you soon!
            Sincerely Your Reader


            Thank you so much for sending me these words of encouragement! I really appreciate you taking the time out your day to send me something like this. I hope you're doing okay! I felt as though Wattpad itself wasn't supporting me the way I felt like it should have, and my writers block became increasingly difficult to get over and I started losing my creativity. I didn't want to put out half-ass written chapters for you guys cause ya'll deserve better than that and I also wanted to rewrite everything seeing as though I wrote these books as a hobby while in highschool and a little bit of college. I will come back though (possibly on a different platform!)


Hi and hope your having a good day. 
          I had a question on one of your books characters Hades and Samaria, is Samaria Persephone reborn or another type of family member? 
          Can you explain it? Also pls update Queen of darkness your book is amazing! 
          Have a lovely day!


@Kore_Ruby yah me too,i love her books.


@kosiudezue it’s confusing yes but I really want to know what happens next. This author is really good and I can’t wait to see what she writes in the future.


@Kore_Ruby yah right? I was also confused.