
TO EVERYONE CURRENTLY TRAPPED IN AMERICA DURING TRUMP'S CONTROL: know that you will always have my support and condolences. I hope we can figure out how to stop him and get the WHO and LGBTQ support back. There has always been Trans people, and there will always be Trans people. You can't get rid of us, and you never will. We are people just like you. If you're scared of men dressing up as women and going into the female bathrooms then you are not scared of Trans people, you are scared of men.


TO EVERYONE CURRENTLY TRAPPED IN AMERICA DURING TRUMP'S CONTROL: know that you will always have my support and condolences. I hope we can figure out how to stop him and get the WHO and LGBTQ support back. There has always been Trans people, and there will always be Trans people. You can't get rid of us, and you never will. We are people just like you. If you're scared of men dressing up as women and going into the female bathrooms then you are not scared of Trans people, you are scared of men.


Been having a really hard time mental-health wise for a few weeks now, and music's been really helping; as well as podcasts, if you've read my past announcements you'll see most of them have to do with one of those things. Anyways, I just got into a pretty heated yelling match with a sibling about whether Imagine Dragons is bad (It's not.) I feel really bad and also really stupid because I've never snapped like that before? I feel like it might have been the fact that he was coming for the one things that's been able to keep my mind off my intrusive thoughts and making me feel better. Also, sorry for the rant I just need to put it out there some times. Do I apologize for yelling or not?
          TD/LR: been having pretty bad intrusive thoughts, yelled at sib because they came after the one thing that's been helping, do I apologize?