@Aurora070_0 Oh no! There was so much progress on that one too. Well, no rush, just really really curious . Honestly I love all your work anyways so plenty of distractions. My only dilemma now is if I want to wait for more to binge the story or if impatience gets to me and I give in. I do know what you mean with the weird feeling either way their names; I felt that was too in the beginning but then I found it was helpful for me to keep track of characters since there was a known face to put to it. That was until I became in the middle of too many and then got confused all over again.
Oooo, I loved that one but I would have to start from scratch because I didn't save it. I also never really like using their names to begin with. Felt kinda weird.
Hiiii! I just wanted to pop by to say how much I love that creative brain of yours. Like how do you conjure up so many different worlds with such rich characters? I’m still constantly thinking about all your other stories from BU. Which led me to wonder if you would at some point down the line complete some of them? (Like the magic school one and the friends one) it actually keeps me up some nights that wondering what will happen anyways I hope you are doing well and the new year will be a good one. Wishing you health and happiness
@Aurora070_0 the one where jins mom was super manipulative and abusive and jimin was trying to save the friend group. Although one of the best parts of that one was the picture changing at the end… I don’t know how you could recreate or replace that but I thought it was super creative of you. Ah, side note, I’m curious if there was a reason you didn’t use BTS names anymore.
@LunaPark17 XD Thank you! I don't really know how I do it, but I'm glad you enjoy what I write! I'm currently trying to get a few drafts started of one from the app. So hopefully, I can let you get some rest here soon, T_T. Wishing you health and happiness, too!
Hi! Thinking of you♡ Hope you've been doing well. It can get busy in our daily lives. Remember to take it one day at a time. It's okay to take a step back and take time to relax. Give yourself time to take care of you♡ Sending lots of love to you♡♡♡
@Aurora070_0 Awww sweet congratulations!!! Enjoy every minute with them❤️ Wishing you all the best with the job!!! You are going to be amazing❤️ Oooo okay! Take your time though, it's okay! Thank you for your time writing as always!!! Take care❤️
Awe, thank you!!! My sister just had a baby, and I've been working on my application to teach overseas, so I've been busy >_< I'm almost done with a new chapter, though!