
Thank you sincerely for 4k reads of "Demon King's Love"  It made me so happy <3


Hey, I did write the new part of' Demon King's Love,' but I discovered that something should happen BEFORE that part, and I have yet to write that. I'm still working on it, but I promise it will be published soon (hopefully today or tomorrow).


I feel I must say this: to make the relationship with one man BETTER, the relationship with the other man should be GOOD. If I make one relationship sucky and the other good, it would diminish the value of their love because the sacrifice of choosing one wouldn't have a meaningful impact. This is what's good about love triangles because they increase the anticipation, and there are options for shipping a particular couple, whether you prefer the first or second man. So, please understand my decision not to make this a one-man-gets-the-girl story with Demon King's Love, as the depth of the overall plot is improved by this decision.


I'm rewriting the existing chapters because I keep learning how to write more correctly. I just learned about avoiding the excessive use of filter words, adverbs, and passive voice (unless it looks weird without them, then it's an exception). I rewrote Chapter 1 to improve it, but after a few days, I will read it again, just to be sure. I will rewrite Chapters 2, 3, and 4 as soon as possible!


I really need to stop being a perfectionist, yet I always push myself to step up my game in a chapter.


@mariettachelsea awww thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️ yeah im trying hard lol. every day i learn something new about writing


@AuroraLuxi it's your innate nature to give us the best of the best ❤️