Main Access : @LegendaryLadyLibero


Full Name : Aurora Cecilia Malfoy
B,orn : 4 July,1978 Great Britain
Blood Status : Pure-Blood
Marital Status : Single
Aliases : Rora Or Rori (By Raven & Danielle Malfoy)
Miss.Aurora (By Dobby)
Darling (By Narcissa Malfoy)
Rise (On Potterwatch)


Species : Human
Gender : Female
Height: 5'7
Hair Color : Dark Brown
Eye Color : Green
Skin Color : Pale


Family Members : Lucius Malfoy (Father)
Narcissa Malfoy (Mother)
Raven Malfoy (Younger Sister ; @Karai_Avis )
Danielle Malfoy (Younger Sister)
Draco Malfoy (Younger Brother)


Bogart : Lord Voldemort
Wand : 7 1/2"Cherry Wolf Fang (Currently)
Patronus : Fawn


House : Slytherin

Loyalty : Malfoy Family
House Of Black
Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry
Slytherin Quidditch Team
Weasley Family

Appearance : Aurora is a slender girl with dark brown hair that goes to her shoulder blades is curled at the tips with sun hair pins holding a braid in place & She has light green eyes with pale skin & soft features as she gets older and her body develops becoming more curvy. She has the appearance of a very beautiful young girl with a heart to match. She wears her hair in a ponytail up to her second gear and is later changed to a braided crown we're in both cases is still wavy but she does not crawl it until 3rd year. She usually wears a black top dress with green pleated black skirt with a snake gold belt buckle, black snake stockings and green high heel shoes.

Personality : Braves smart, Caring Funny Sweet Jokester Independent Strong Sociable Athletic Loyal Mysterious & Sneaky.

Strengths & Weaknesses : Her best subject is defense against the dark arts and worst is hubology. She is very smart and level-headed and is the captain of the Quidditch team and her 3rd year and is a chaser. She has a crush on Fred Weasley.
  • Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry
  • JoinedOctober 17, 2019

Last Message
Aurora_C_Malfoy Aurora_C_Malfoy May 02, 2020 01:22PM
It is now May 2nd. Which marks a very important day in literary history. As some of you may or may not know. On May 2, 1998 Was win the Battle of Hogwarts took place. And we lost many great Witches a...
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