
Hello, everyone who has stuck out this long, and for those who have just started following me, thank you and hope you stay along for the ride. Alot has been going on.....for one,  moving/reorganizing, and two, I got married almost 4 months ago! anywho, I FINALLY got to finish Chapter 4 of Vampire Messiah and it has been posted moments ago in fact. hope you all enjoy. (Not only typing but finding songs for the books "soundtracks" is kinda time consuming...LOL.)


Hello, everyone who has stuck out this long, and for those who have just started following me, thank you and hope you stay along for the ride. Alot has been going on.....for one,  moving/reorganizing, and two, I got married almost 4 months ago! anywho, I FINALLY got to finish Chapter 4 of Vampire Messiah and it has been posted moments ago in fact. hope you all enjoy. (Not only typing but finding songs for the books "soundtracks" is kinda time consuming...LOL.)


Hello, all. I had planned on typing, editing, and posting at least 2 chapters, especially after getting my new tablet and bluetooth keyboard, however, with my weird work schedules/if I had work at all, and other various things, I managed to finally edit and post Chapter 3 of Vampire Messiah, while Chapter 4 is between a half to three-quarters finished beng typed, then it also has to be edited. I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow and post it, so for those who are still hanging on through all of this, THANK YOU!
          Also, my girlfriend just started on here, and we have decided that the two of us are going to co-write a fourth volume to this series. Now, I know, this is only the first book in the series, but I think that just gives all you more to look forward to, LOL.
          Anyways, thanks again for your continued reading and I hope you stick through to the end....of the series, that is, LOL. 


Hey there your stories are awesome


@Mavrix ik baby LOL... You told me


@knightdragon1980 Thanks. I hope you stick through to the end of the series. I just posted a new chapter, and plan on editing and posting another tomorrow. I hope you continue to like the books.


Again, I want to thank those that are sticking through all this with me, and stick through for the full series, I don't think you'll regret it, from how I plan the series to end.....yes, I already have the ending in mind, and I'm only finished with book 1 (and just starting to post it on here), only roughly half done with book 2 as far as actually writing it is concerned, and book 3 doesn't even have the first word actually written on paper yet, then I am debating on doing prequels/sequels to this possibly only first story arc. We'll see where time leads us......


@Mavrix nice this book so far is awesome i plan to write a book maybe bout a witch an a warlock falling in love ;)


Secondly, those of you who have read Chapter 1 of Blood Moon: Vampire Messiah, you will have noticed that at the end of the chapter there was the name of a band and song in parentheses. What many of you don't know is that music is like my muse, and it inspires part of my writing - I could be listening to the radio, and a song comes on, and BAM! A scene from the book starts playing in my mind. But here's the kicker: In my personal opinion, the reader is not feeling the same feeling that I'm trying to convey if they do not also hear the song(s). In order to remedy that, I am going to try to include the name of a band/singer and the song into the story at the point when it comes in, either by an asterisk or some other type of notation. And there could be more than one song in a chapter, just so you readers are prepared. Yes, I understand that some of my readers may not have the same taste of music as I do, but, I mean, quite a few people like the Twilight books/movies, but they may not like the band Paramore. Okay? So you hear it once in that movie then never listen to the band again, unless you watch the movie again. Same thing here; All I ask is to put your musical tastes aside for a few moments as you read, then you'll never have to listen to the song ever again if you don't want to, however, it may also change your taste in music, if even for just one song.


Hey all that are following me, as well as well as those sticking through the tale of Ryan Elder in the Blood Moon series.
          First, I have to apologize for how long it was between the "Notes from the Author" and the actual Prologue and first chapter of the book to be posted on here. There was - and has been - alot going on, and it all started mainly when I thought I could actually get started on putting this on here. As I have said, and many of you may have seen, I have started posting the actual story here on Wattpad, and that leads into the next part of the apology. As I'm sure alot of other authors on here can agree with, I may not be able to post a chapter every day, and, in fact, could be a few weeks to even a month or so before another chapter comes out. As others may agree, my world, sadly, does not revolve around posting chapters on Wattpad. (LOL.) But, of course, those that are following me will be notified, by me and/or Wattpad itself, when I am posting. And to those that are following me, thank you from the bottom of my heart.