
To celebrate 25 chapters of "The Fire Of Lies" there will be a little competition. Whoever can bring the most followers and viewers to "The Fire Of Lies" gets to name the raven in chapter 25. You have to get a person, new follower or new viewer, to comment on chapter 25 #name of person who brought me here. There will be 6 teams, one for each of my current followers, and whoever has the most people on Thursday, 27th at 7 am AEST (Wednesday, 26th at 4 pm EST) will name the raven. A new follower is 3 points and a new viewer is 1 point. I hope you have fun and you get to name the raven.


To celebrate 25 chapters of "The Fire Of Lies" there will be a little competition. Whoever can bring the most followers and viewers to "The Fire Of Lies" gets to name the raven in chapter 25. You have to get a person, new follower or new viewer, to comment on chapter 25 #name of person who brought me here. There will be 6 teams, one for each of my current followers, and whoever has the most people on Thursday, 27th at 7 am AEST (Wednesday, 26th at 4 pm EST) will name the raven. A new follower is 3 points and a new viewer is 1 point. I hope you have fun and you get to name the raven.


Thank you guys for being so supportive once again, and then you blew my goal out of the water. The next goal is 300 reads, to do this, you guys need to tell your friends and family. The award for this is going to be a Wikia page where you guys can find character profiles, ships, and much more. I hope this encourages you like you guys encourage me! Thx :)


Thank you guys for being supportive and reading, my next big award for you guys is at 150 reads I will put my followers names at the bottom of the chapter, so if you want your name there, then make sure you are a follower. Make sure to follow my twitter to get updates of when chapters come out. Thx:)