Some song lyrics I wrote tonight
I don't want to lose hope I don't want to give in but I know it enviable and I know it take a sudden blow to blow out the candle that burn in my heart it the last hope I try to hold on but I dont want it to go out but it will happen. I don't want it to happen again I shall not given in there hope
I shall not given in till it out cold
I'll never forget about you when it cold
I want you to be the one to ignite me again
When I lose hope
When I lose hope
Always know I'll never die just lose
The fight not the war
The fight
The fell of emotion
The war will continue for ever it will spread
I don't want to lose I shall not
But it all will happen
You can keep laughing
It all a joke
It all fake
It all my insecureds burd up
It just needs a nudge
To break free
I losing
I winning
I lose at the end
I wont let it happen to you like me
I wont
I wont
I don't want to
I shall not
I will not
Lose the war but the fight . .. . . .. . . .
I don't let your candle go out like mine
My emotions are gone this is good bye but just a beginning for you
Hey Austin I’m not sure if I’m ready yet
I don’t know why I tried to confess to you last night I just had lots of feelings for you from the start but I don’t even know anymore???
I’m just going to wait till I find the right person
Sorry Austin :(
I hope we can stay best friends
Love Jay~
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