I am 19, almost 20, have a part time job, gamer, and I am mostly Republican. But I do agree with a lot of left values.I am Christian but I follow the teachings of Romans where it basically states I have no right to judge others for their sins for no one man is perfect. So if you're gonna be gay be gay just don't expect me to act in such a way. Like Gnoggin stated about a lot of us Republicans, I'm tired of being judged instantly for my beliefs. Everyone saying Christian or Republican values are deemed "Racist" or "Offensive." Well when is it my turn to be offended? You constantly smear the name of my religion, say I'm a moron or a racist when my little brother is mixed for crying out loud. The reason this country is polarized is that uneducated youths have decided you're on one road or another and what you say doesn't matter and there is only one right side. And that one side is whatever they googled when they chose a political party by flipping a coin or asking their parents what side they were on without taking a moment to ask why or about their specific beliefs. I still love this country with all my heart and I will believe in our truest potential until the day I die. But what is it saying about us that when my mom visited California over the 4th she saw people my age going to Mexico to celebrate the 4th instead of going to a true American fireworks show. We have fallen far but we can get back up. All we need to do is pull our heads from our rears and start working together. Right, Left, Republican, Democrat, and drop these dumb labels. I may come from Irish descent but in my heart I'm not Irish-American, I'm not Native-American, I'm just plain American! God Bless you all.