I'm just a girl who's obsessed with bands
  • InscritOctober 27, 2014

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AustinRobertCarlile_ AustinRobertCarlile_ Feb 07, 2016 05:10PM
Ok there was this AMAZING Oli Sykes fic that I read a little while ago, but I recently noticed it was taken down (I think?). It was called Deathbeds, involved Oli, the rest of bmth, Austin Carlile, a...
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Histoire par Emily
Dr. Sykes Will See You Now par AustinRobertCarlile_
Dr. Sykes Will See You Now
Co-Written with- HelpIdkWhatMyLifeIs My name is Brianna Lewis. I'm 22 and in a band called KiDS iN SHiRTS. I...
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