
Eeee!! We finally got Detective Tim in the WFA episode this week! <3
          	Me, reading Tim's dialog: wait a minute... BBC??
          	(I read the line and my brain immediately went "where have I heard this before--oh wait lol":
          	(also, not me violently ignoring that cliffhanger...)
          	WFA is so cruel for getting my hopes up --- I'm dying for TimSteph content and it's sooo close to giving it to me but it's not T^T


Eeee!! We finally got Detective Tim in the WFA episode this week! <3
          Me, reading Tim's dialog: wait a minute... BBC??
          (I read the line and my brain immediately went "where have I heard this before--oh wait lol":
          (also, not me violently ignoring that cliffhanger...)
          WFA is so cruel for getting my hopes up --- I'm dying for TimSteph content and it's sooo close to giving it to me but it's not T^T


Just learned that TDK is tied for 3rd best movie of all time (IMDb). DAMN. Totally deserves it though.


The fact that movie is PACKED with brilliant sequences yet my friend's favorite scene is just "That was a very brave thing you just did"/"What? Trying to catch the light?" *sigh*


AND has the 2nd most number of ratings of any film...


Hello. Hope you're having a wonderful day. Sorry for posting without permission. Please find time to check out... THE INTROVERT A WILLY NILLY STORY. Thanks.


@epicflames yeah. a feedback would be great. hope u check it out. Thanks 


@epicflames No problem. I love it when people talk to me lol. I'll be sure to check it out as soon as I can! I don't recognize the fandom, so I'm guessing it's an original story? Either way, I'll try to get that done soon! I'm flattered you reached out to me <3 Do you want feedback as well?
            - Lynn


(Part 1/2)
          So, just for clarification purposes, this account features the contributions of two different people. I (Lynn) write the stories and make these posts, while my friend (for whose privacy, I won't reveal her name) comes up with the prompts and wackadoodle headcanons, plot holes, and canon inconsistencies that allow my fics to happen. I recently got into an argument with someone about portrayal of neurodivergent characters and the importance of diagnosis so...
          -- I (Lynn) have ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
          -- My friend has HFA (High-Functioning ASD) - (yes, I know, not a technical medical term, but what I'm getting at is that she's basically a genius but has, in her own words, "the social tact of a brick")
          Anyway, the thing that really pisses me off is that I have never met ANYONE (fictional or real) who exhibits more autistic traits than her (everyone who meets her in a social setting quietly asks me whether she's autistic), but she's never brought it up with her parents, who don't think she actually is autistic but constantly call her "autistic" and "retarded" to the point that she's scared to discuss her suspicions that she is (which have been confirmed by every medical journal analysis we've read insofar) with them. In fact, the first time she brought it up to me, she was just like really scared that someone else would overhear and, I don't know, report her?? She was just like "Do you think I'm autistic?" (to which I was like, "girl, I've been waiting for you to figure it out since we were 5") like it was this scary prospect (but not because she was ableist---she thought it was an absolute relief that there might be an explanation for why people made fun of her for being dense and for taking things way too literally---but because she was scared that her parents might hate her or that people would hate her because she didn't have an official diagnosis and might just be lying to "seem cool" or get into college or idk).


But also (and this is for the person I was arguing with) please don't assume the person is lying/attention-seeking just because they don't have a diagnosis. Trust me, the ones who actually WANT a diagnosis feel REALLY bad about it.


(Part 2/2)
            On the other hand, my friend knows this other girl who just goes around flaunting the fact that she's ADHD when she has no diagnosis, has not done research to back it up, or ANYTHING to back it up, really, but who just tries to toss it into/bring it up in any and every conversation because she thinks she's the epitome of the neurodivergent experience.
            So, in terms of not being diagnosed, do your research, have a legitimate reason to not be diagnosed, and don't be an idiot who goes around bragging about it.


"If You're Gone" was playing on the radio and it sent me back down the rabbit hole of re-listening to all the Matchbox 20 songs and ugh they're so good. Also, I can't be the only one who wants a TW edit of "Unwell" because oh my god it's such a Stiles-core song in general, but also specifically 3B


Hi! I'm really sorry, but The Ruinous Restaurant is going to be on hold for a month b/c I broke my wrist.... sorry again :(


@AJSwagmire Thank you for the kind words - going forward, I will make sure to be well-informed of all possible threats.


@AuteureAtHeart quite an unfortunate setback, but what can you do? I eagerly await your safe return, but please be wary of any remaining wicked people who might wish to use your injury to their advantage.