Your a OwO and your the best -huggy you and pats your head-
Reading Lists
Rant: you dont need to read this, but i mean you can if you want... Alright so lately i feel like im bothering people to much, like just by texting them... because im usually the first person to send anything im also the most talkative person out of people i know. Its currently 6 in the morning where i live and i can see that my girlfriend online, i could talk to her but i feel like i talk to much, i have to many problems, and the fact that i may bother her enough already.... I know were dating and all that and shes even told me "If you ever, EVER, need to talk to me im here for You" and i should tell her this, that u feel like im bothing people, that im nothing, that i think im a waste of space... but i dont. And i dont know why i dont have the courage to tell her either, its just stupid that the person im closest to, doesnt know that im suffering more then they think they know they are... i dont understand how i feel like i cant tell her. I feel like im letting her down in some way, and that even typing this is me just bothering more people and im sorry, im sorry i really am... I should shut, thanks for reading at least.
Your a OwO and your the best -huggy you and pats your head-
Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother LoVe mE qnq
Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother Mother
Rant: you dont need to read this, but i mean you can if you want... Alright so lately i feel like im bothering people to much, like just by texting them... because im usually the first person to send anything im also the most talkative person out of people i know. Its currently 6 in the morning where i live and i can see that my girlfriend online, i could talk to her but i feel like i talk to much, i have to many problems, and the fact that i may bother her enough already.... I know were dating and all that and shes even told me "If you ever, EVER, need to talk to me im here for You" and i should tell her this, that u feel like im bothing people, that im nothing, that i think im a waste of space... but i dont. And i dont know why i dont have the courage to tell her either, its just stupid that the person im closest to, doesnt know that im suffering more then they think they know they are... i dont understand how i feel like i cant tell her. I feel like im letting her down in some way, and that even typing this is me just bothering more people and im sorry, im sorry i really am... I should shut, thanks for reading at least.
Can some one please explain to me WHY MY FRIENDS DECIDED THAT IM APPARENTLY DATING MY GOOD FRIEND WHEN THEY KNOW IM BOTH GAY AND DATING SOME ONE ALREADY TWT Besides, hes my brother! -i mean, not real brother but, just nvm- You know who you are Rain -m-
in your profile you said you like to read and wright.... btw its "WRITE"!!!!11 pleeeesssseeee fix it!!
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