Check out a Freeze-Dried Groom Fan Fiction entry by yours truly. Happy Halloween!


Hey there, I just saw your comment on my Freeze-Dried fiction entry, which led me here.  I glanced at your story and will definitely read it within the next few days.  But I noticed that you didn't have it tagged #freezedriedfiction.  The judges may not see your story without this specific tag, so I'd recommend adding it as soon as you can!  I would hate to see it inadvertently excluded from the rest of the entries!


@AuthorBKQUEEN Hopefully they will see that and not be picky about the tag.  Best of luck!


Thank you for following me. :) I will gladly check out your story "The Jumpers". :D


@AuthorBKQUEEN Awesome! Thanks for the warning too lol: D


@QueenTaurus Awesome! I hope you find it pleasantly creepy, although I must warn you it gets a little scary towards the middle. enjoy :)


Wow!!! "The Jumpers" is one of the best new syfy thrillers out there. Very comparable to the writings of the beloved Stephen King whom I am a great fan of. I really enjoyed this short story and look forward to what else BKQueen has in store for his readers. :)