
So, doubt that anyone really cares, but I have a YouTube channel. I sing a few covers of different songs, usually songs from movies or shows I like but I try to do songs where it's only one person singing since it's only me. The audio is bad and I can't edit but if your interested I'll leave a link for one of my videos here and you can check it out if you want to.


@AuthorChan1235 *gasps* I'M GOING TO CHECK IT OUT NOW!!!!!!!!


Do you have? Instagram? Or discord


@AuthorChan1235  My discord username is lupawolf


@MiraculousBunny123 Yes I do. My username on discord will be dearmaria. (The period at the end is part of the username)


Suggestion= Hey Aurora Im, I'm a very big fan of your books, and I’ve started this message to ask you pleaseeeeee if you get the time make a book of life billdip scenario! Pleassee its a very good movie and I feel like billdip would fit the roles for the goddess of life and the God of death so perfectly in that. And if you chose not to I still recommend watching the movie cuss it is really good! Okay thanks for reading byeee(:


@HunterGormley6 yes I am, just have had some personal stuff going on so haven't had time to update anything 


I hate my self do much for accidently typing Dipper as diaper lol, but in my defence it wasn't even me it was gramerly 


Suggestion: you should make a princesses and the frog billdip i feel that would be interesting  due to how good your story writing is you make wonderful stories i love all the plot twist too  and since princesses and the frog is my favorite  movie  i figure  it would be a good billdip story


@AuthorChan1235 ooooh, okay! No worries! Your writing is really good so I'm not complaining lol


@Wolfecookie The thing is I don't think I would be good at writing a story where the main ship is Pacifica and Mabel. It's nothing against the characters or the ships, I just find that I write better if the main relationship is two guys. I have no idea why, especially considering that I'm a straight girl, but it's just how my writing style is and I'd rather not write something I know won't turn out well because it's not something I am good at writing.


 @AuthorChan1235  P A C I F I C A X M A B E L. IM BEGGING YOU! DO THIS CONCEPT AND JUST MAKE THE VIOLIAN BILLY BOI >:]] or Gideon and tad like @MasonTheWhore said


Most of my favorite book (even though I haven't read them all yet) are yours! You are probably my favorite billdip fan fiction author!! I love you and you writing so much, and hope you don't stop! With some breaks ofc!
          ✨✨ sparkly taco-


I love them so much!!!! Thank you for sharing your stories for me to enjoy!!!
            ✨✨ sparkly taco-


@xXCherrySakuraXx that means the world to me. My updates have been slow recently because of work but thank you so much for all your comments on my stories. I've read them and am delighted that you enjoy my stories so much 


So, doubt that anyone really cares, but I have a YouTube channel. I sing a few covers of different songs, usually songs from movies or shows I like but I try to do songs where it's only one person singing since it's only me. The audio is bad and I can't edit but if your interested I'll leave a link for one of my videos here and you can check it out if you want to.


@AuthorChan1235 *gasps* I'M GOING TO CHECK IT OUT NOW!!!!!!!!


This is just to clarify something about the hunger games and catching fire stories of mine. The reason that the catching fire updates are so slow is because I have a process for those specific stories. I will write them out in a journal of mine by hand before typing them on my computer. I don't know why I choose to do it this way, or why only these stories. It's just how I write these stories so I'm sorry the updates for the catching fire one are slow but please bare with me.


You know the prison thing you’re writing is by a different author credit the person


@crazyanimelover14 I honestly had no clue that someone had written a story similar to mine. But while the plots may be similar, there also different enough that I don't think I need to credit them when I didn't even know about their story. In there's dipper is imprisoned for arson, in mine it's because he was framed for murder. I didn't steal their plot because I don't use that website so I had zero idea that anyone had written a story that was similar to mine


Just out of curiousity, how many people would want a sequel to unsuspecting love? (The criminal minds billdip btw)
          I saw that over 8 thousand people have read it and I had a lot of fun writing it. I never wrote it with the plans of a sequel happening but It's still one of my favorite stories to reread and I know you have left a lot of great comments on it so just let me know if you would like a sequel to it and I will see what I can do.


this message may be offensive
So I seriously doubt that anyone on here will give a fuck about anything I say on here but I just wanted to put this out here and I even heavily debated posting this on here or not.
          As of today I am 19 and in all honesty I can write this up as the worst birthday in my life.


@AuthorChan1235 I'm so sorry that happened, btw happy birthday or belated birthday I should say, but seriously very sorry you had a sucky birthday, and I hope next year will be better for you.


@AuthorChan1235 sorry your birthday sucked so bad.. hope you have a better one next year.. for what it's worth, happy birthday