
DON'T FREAK OUT; I temporarily unpublished my ONC books so I could polish them and re-upload as new books. I love having them on Wattpad to show how far I have come as a writer and they look awesome lined up when the contest is in full swing. I will bring them all back soon!


DON'T FREAK OUT; I temporarily unpublished my ONC books so I could polish them and re-upload as new books. I love having them on Wattpad to show how far I have come as a writer and they look awesome lined up when the contest is in full swing. I will bring them all back soon!


Ah man, I guess my app crashed before it went up.
          I'm taking care of a family owned bookstore for a long time friend. It's my second day and I open in 10 minutes. 
          Since my late mornings and and early afternoons are going to be busy at the store, I won't get to my updates or writing until evening.
          I'll be tending the store thru Friday this week, as well as next week thru Wednesday (unless Im notified otherwise) 
          It's a dream come true to work in a bookstore.


So I binged through the complete Matrix series (trilogy and sequel) over the weekend..... People were telling me "It is THE  #!T" and "you have to watch the movies at least once in your life".... I watched the movies once in my life. And unpopular opinion: I don't see the appeal. As some who LOVES science-fantasy adventure action thriller mystery movies and books, it just didn't hit the notes for me. Maybe it was overhyped. Maybe it my expectations were set at a very high bar. 
          Don't come at me. This was just my experience after watching. It's awesome if you did love the series.
           I didn't. 


@AuthorESElias, 25 years ago, Matrix was something we hadn't seen before. I bought tickets for all my employees and had a company-wide midnight premier watch party.
            Matrix II - meh
            Matrix III - blah
            Matrix IV - they made that?
            So, for the whole series, I agree it's overhyped.


Exciting Announcement! Join the Golden Bean Awards!
          Hey amazing writers!
          I'm thrilled to announce the launch of the Golden Bean Awards on Wattpad! E This is your chance to showcase your incredible stories and get the recognition you deserve!
           Whether you're crafting a heart-fluttering romance , a spine-chilling horror tale , a gripping mystery , an epic fantasy adventure , a thrilling action saga o, or an unforgettable fanfiction there's a category for everyone!
           Why Enter?
          Win fantastic awards and bragging rights! Gain exposure and new readers for your work. Be part of a vibrant writing community How to Enter:
           Head over to the Entry Forms chapter and fill out your details Make sure to complete all rules and payments Tag your host @EclipseNoir123 Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to share your creativity and join a community of passionate writers!
           Let the Golden Bean Awards begin!
          Happy writing, and may the best beans win!


Hi, @RHEAMAHESHWARI4, thank you so much; I'll check it out!


I miss the days when one could simply upload a document and Wattpad would separate the chapters... Wait, not. That's always been Inkitt... Wattpad should hop on that train. It's a brilliant concept and would help the user-posting process so much more.
          Just a thought....


@AuthorESElias, that and the scheduler make it much easier to set up a complete book on Inkitt.


Okay, writer friends, the challenge begins in three days. I have not endured Camp NaNoWriMo in many moons, so I am going to be writing a Zero-Draft to get this story I pre-scheduled. Project Humanoid.
          Project Humanoid is a coming-of-age, sci-fi adventure following 17-year-old Benny when he discovers the truth about his robotic body parts and how they have nothing to do with the advancement of technology.
          ANITA: Battle Angel meets Astro Boy, but with Sandlot vibes and a touch of heartache.
          I've posted the sneak peek, which is subject to change A LOT, but I'm posting it so @everyone can add to your reading lists. Title and cover are temporary until I figure out further details.