Hi guys. I know it's been a while since anything was published from me. Maybe it was a year, who even knows or it will be almost a year judging from my last post in January of this horrible year. I am going to write again however some of the books you know and love will be changed almost entirely. I changed my name as well from Amelia Thornhill to Ashley Coleman Mason as I have always had a thing to long names. I do like royal names too and that's why a lot of my characters have royal names. I'm going through some stuff with work and personal demons within myself but next to making art which I lost passion for, I also lost the passion to write because I hope to just get discovered on this website and hope that is enough but that doesn't work out for everyone. I know this is long and I'm sorry because some of you probably forgot I exist or stopped reading a long time ago when you realized how big it was going to be and who knew if there was even going to be a point but my point is that I miss writing, I miss jumping into different worlds far different from my own. I miss writing and I am going to be rewriting but publishing my books somewhere else and hopefully someday you will be holding my books in your hands.
Bye for now,