
Hii yall! My book is now available to purchase. 
          	A quick run down of the prices
          	Apple Books: $9.99
          	Kindle: 9.99
          	IBSN: $15.95
          	Amazon (paperback): $15.95
          	Barnes and Noble website/ counter: $15.95
          	HAPPY READING! 


I’m doing a give away with GALATEA - Addictive Stories 
          From today until September 13th, 2023 at 12:00 pm EST. 5 winners will be selected for a 1 year free subscription! Instead of spending over $70 you’ll be $0. 
          All you have to do to enter is 
          Like my instagram post about my give away 
          comment on my instagram your favorite character from either conflict of interest 1 or 2 
          Comment your favorite book on Galatea
          Good luck everyone! 


I will be updating the books I have no intention of getting published, but as of the other books I just can’t put myself in this situation where this could happen again. As much as it is hard to say and hard to do, it is important to my career and even my love as a writer that I protect myself. 
          I write because most days it is one of the only things that truly feed my soul and bring me joy. But to see other people stealing it and posting it as their own it’s gut wrenching and heartbreaking to me. So as of right now I am taking a long, much needed break from these platforms. I will be back to post the release dates. But as of right now I am signing off with a heartfelt thank you to my readers. I wouldn’t have had the guts or the courage to pursue publishing if it weren’t for your comments and words of encouragement. You guys are the reason I decided to take the plunge towards my “thought to be impossible” dream. You have pushed me and surprised me in so many ways. Your support truly means everything. 
          So with that I want to say. Thank you. And I love you guys. 
          Goodbye for now with all my love,
          Olivia Grace


Guys I’m so exhausted if you’ve been following at all you know that I’ve been battling plagiarism for months and now I have found another person who decided to steal my book. But I digress. I am taking the necessary steps with Wattpad and my publisher to try and get this taken down. 
          Someone on this app has decided to take credit for a book that is not theirs. I will not be posting a username because it isn’t worth spamming someone who already has 0 guilt over stealing. I will just continue to try and get this removed with Wattpad. 
          But sadly as I say this. This means I will no longer be posting on free platforms. I can’t trust my books to be protected and I can’t trust people to be respectful and honest. It hurts my heart as I got my footing writing on free platforms but after this, I can’t do it. I am deeply sorry to my readers but as I am battling this I do not want to go through this battle again. 
          with that being said I have a small update on KOF book one. We are nearing the end of the publishing process. I believe my book should be out within the next month as I am waiting for my personal 10 copies from the publisher. 


HELLO!!!! I have an update on KOF, So as most of you know I am currently in the process of getting my Series The Kingdom of Fable published. My team at Fulton Books have been working nonstop to turn this book into a reality. That being said I do have plans to publish the entire series eventually. As of right now the only book being published is the first installment Til' She's Gone. During publishing we took off Til' She's Gone and it will now be known as Kingdom of Fable Book 1. It Is officially through editorial and internal design. Next will be cover design and then it will be off to print. We are in the last leg of our publishing journey until book 2 ;) so I wanted to come on here and let you guys know. I will be posting a release date on here, wattpad, and my instagram. If you want updates and arent on this app all of the time, feel free to follow my instagram: authoroliviagrace.
          Stay tuned guys and I'll see you on the flip side!


Theres this app called Ficfun that has ur KoF book 1 on it. Idk if its stolen or not found the story through a fb add and went hunting.


If I give you my Facebook will you be able to send me the ad link? 


Okay thank you so much I will make sure to send them an email


@OMiley08 email is for app developers *sk how much help itll be.