
I've finally got my own website set up and will be doing a Newsletter. I've been in classes again so I've been unable to get much done on here. In a little more than 3 weeks I'll be free until next Spring! This is my website:


@AuthorSarahHatake Ohhhhh, I'm so jealous lol. My bestie got me an autographed Kakashi Funko by him for Christmas last year. I was going to meet him the end of last year but he canceled last minute at the Con I was going to meet him at in San Antonio. 


That’s so awesome!  I met Dave (Kakashi’s voice actor) this summer at SummerCon and thought of you!  


I’m trying to find book 4 of Shifting Series but I can’t find it


@AuthorSarahHatake he is, and him without his mask and I’m like damn…


@Eriakali He's impossible not to love


@AuthorSarahHatake also It’s cool I meet someone who loves Kakashi as much as I do :3


I've finally got my own website set up and will be doing a Newsletter. I've been in classes again so I've been unable to get much done on here. In a little more than 3 weeks I'll be free until next Spring! This is my website:


@AuthorSarahHatake Ohhhhh, I'm so jealous lol. My bestie got me an autographed Kakashi Funko by him for Christmas last year. I was going to meet him the end of last year but he canceled last minute at the Con I was going to meet him at in San Antonio. 


That’s so awesome!  I met Dave (Kakashi’s voice actor) this summer at SummerCon and thought of you!  


Okay, I'm going to be starting editing on my earlier works - namely the Shifting Series.  I might just take them down until I finished updating them as some names will be changing (nothing major just like last names etc) and expanding the stories.  They were very short as they were some of my first attempts to start back to writing after a very long time.  I want them to be top quality for your entertainment and I've grown so much as an author since then.  Just wanted to give y'all a heads up!


So I finally finished up college until the fall, so hopefully, I can get back into writing more often. I've also been working on a novel for print called Legends of Atlantis. For those that don't know, I am also taking some of these stories - converting them for obvious reasons to an innocuous Anime world and publishing them. Weeb Sisters was published in both Paperback and Hardback on Amazon. I'm considering offering signed copies on Etsy and TikTok one day. It's all about money, money, and money, and I'm constantly broke lol. I'm currently converting, adding to and tweaking Dancing in the Dark for publication. I had hoped Wattpad would kick off with their contest each year, but its become quite apparent they're only selecting non-fanfics. I'd love to be a full-time writer and constantly looking for that big break! Thank you to everyone who has loved and supported my writing on here. Shattered is up to almost 34k views, that's incredible!! Blessings Y'all 


@rainydaysforreading Oh my Gosh, Thank you!! :D  I'm glad you love the stories so much!  I enjoy writing them!


Girl I just bought your books on Amazon! I’m so excited! I should say obsessed, but we’ll go with excited. Ha!


Okay, I admit I fell into a slump... A major slump.  I have a good reason, I really do. I fell in love. LOL.  Yes, with someone in our world. ha.  When I started writing all these stories, I was in the midst of a very bad relationship that ended in divorce.  These stories were my escape from the terrible reality around me.  I met our worlds version of Kakashi last October and since then, I've been pretty much focused on this amazing man that I've spent almost every spare second with.  I'm making a promise that I will once more make a genuine effort to work on my works in progress steadily.  In the future, I won't release any books or chapters until the story is completed. I've pulled off two other works in progress with this in mind and will post them once they're completed.  That way no one starts reading something and then has to wait for the next chapter. :)  Thank you for all your support and following.  I'm very thankful for you all.


Been working feverishly to edit and expand my first WattPad story, Shattered.  LOL It's so popular, though, that I think some have caught me in the middle of the updates. LOL.  Oh well.  I'm getting it ready to enter in the 2022 Wattys and since it was my first, there is a lot of expansion available as the chapters were a lot shorter that what I have recently written.  I thank you all for being patient with my ongoing stories as I take a break from writing new chapters on them to get this story ready for submission.  I only have a few days now to finish the updates and submit it, so I'm moving as fast as possible.  I'm thinking of eventually combining the sequels as new parts under it.  I think some readers have missed that they are all part of a series or have read them out of order.  I still haven't decided yet on that and most likely will have to wait until after the Watty's before making the decision since I won't be able to make changes until after... maybe longer if it gets selected ;)  Fingers crossed, y'all.  I'm hopeful this will be the year.  Shattered and Weeb Sisters are my two personal favorites.  Thank you to everyone who has read and supported my stories.  Y'all are the best!!!!


I've entered "Weeb Sisters" into the 2022 Watty Awards!  Fingers crossed!  It's my personal favorite of all the stories I've written.  In the meantime, I'm going to go back through it very carefully and look for typos or misworded text.  So excited!


Omg yesss!! Please keep me updated on it! 