So I finally finished up college until the fall, so hopefully, I can get back into writing more often. I've also been working on a novel for print called Legends of Atlantis. For those that don't know, I am also taking some of these stories - converting them for obvious reasons to an innocuous Anime world and publishing them. Weeb Sisters was published in both Paperback and Hardback on Amazon. I'm considering offering signed copies on Etsy and TikTok one day. It's all about money, money, and money, and I'm constantly broke lol. I'm currently converting, adding to and tweaking Dancing in the Dark for publication. I had hoped Wattpad would kick off with their contest each year, but its become quite apparent they're only selecting non-fanfics. I'd love to be a full-time writer and constantly looking for that big break! Thank you to everyone who has loved and supported my writing on here. Shattered is up to almost 34k views, that's incredible!! Blessings Y'all