
Well, since I got a ways to go with editing, I decided to share little snippets from what I am working on till my last fanfiction is ready for posting.
          	Mostly to hope it brings a smile on someone's face like it did me.
          	I think I'll call this "What about breakfast?" Warning, still in the rewriting editing stages, so warn me of any typos and such so I can put them on my 3rd Draft To-Do List.
          	Thankfully, this was one time I was very happy with my stomach voicing it's complaints. 
          	"I think we could have saved those ten fish for breakfast."
          	"Ah, true. But, I mean-Nooooo!" Naruto cried out, doing a double take before bolting back into the water. "I threw them back-Stupid stupid stuuuupid!"


It's interesting... Though, you got a lot of typos and such in it. You might want to go back and read it all through to fix some of the mistakes.


@Auto-nin I Just finished the prologue of my fist story could you take a look at it and give me your honest opinion?


Well, since I got a ways to go with editing, I decided to share little snippets from what I am working on till my last fanfiction is ready for posting.
          Mostly to hope it brings a smile on someone's face like it did me.
          I think I'll call this "What about breakfast?" Warning, still in the rewriting editing stages, so warn me of any typos and such so I can put them on my 3rd Draft To-Do List.
          Thankfully, this was one time I was very happy with my stomach voicing it's complaints. 
          "I think we could have saved those ten fish for breakfast."
          "Ah, true. But, I mean-Nooooo!" Naruto cried out, doing a double take before bolting back into the water. "I threw them back-Stupid stupid stuuuupid!"


It's interesting... Though, you got a lot of typos and such in it. You might want to go back and read it all through to fix some of the mistakes.


@Auto-nin I Just finished the prologue of my fist story could you take a look at it and give me your honest opinion?


are the rest of your stories on fanfiction Auto-nin13 page dead after this????


@longsilver777 It was during the rewrites attempts that I discover my problems areas and if I tried continuing to write such stories(both fanfic and original), I would never complete them. I need to change that, but I only now gotten some time between writing, work, and private life to start letting people know what's going on.


what about the one that have being rewritten in there summery?


Possibly. More in I realized I can't handle epic length stories as I been doing. Will the ideas be dead? Probably not as I might reuse them for shorter fan fiction stories and maybe even original stories. I made a rule to myself that if I write a fan fiction to publish online, I got to do it the same way as a book to prevert any more dead stories like the currently posted ones. Hence how my last one for a while is being done. 
            Misadventures in Training series is exception as they are finished ficlets I do from time to time when the inspiration hits me and each is a finished story within the same universe. Hence why they are separate fics instead of posted together. 
            Any new fan fiction will be posted to Wattled and my Auto-nin13 account on FFNet and I am thinking of putting my dead stories up for adoption in hopes of someone else can keep it going their own way on these two sites and Archive of our Own.


Well, been a while. Life has been quite hectic, but a good deal of my focus has been writing. And going a bit nuts over it. And realizing I needed to finally take a step I've been needing to do for a long while. Hence, I've been working on my last fan fiction... Well, for a while. But, the reason for this is I will be starting to write original stories... Actually, I already done one as a children's book and now in the storyboarding process and revising with an illustrator friend.
          Now, so what's this last fan fiction? It's a Naruto and Rising of the Shield Hero crossover and it will be completed once I start posting it. If you like my Log Horizon crossovers or angst, you'll likely love this story which I am in the editing/rewrite stages.
          As for my original works... Don't know if I will use this pseudonym or make a new one. I am planning to use my real name for children books. However, if you are interesting in seeing any original works, let me know as if I make a new account here for my originals, I can let ya know.


@Auto-nin lol the pain comment was more at my self since i have quiet an imagentation in my head but its blank when i try to write -.-.
            As for the accounts hmm guess it depends if you feel like keeping it all together or have the different type apart o.o if it was me i would probably keep them apart but that's just me


@CoreyDwyer  Writing it isn't a pain. Just trying to figure out why I was not finishing them was quite a pain and hence I need to lance the problem if I want to write some fan fiction for fun down the line any future original work done. Since I don't expect my first works to be published, I am planning to put them up here on Wattpad... Just pondering if going to post them under this pseudonym or make a new account for my fiction works that aren't children's books.


@Auto-nin hmm interesting wish you luck with that I know trying to write fan fiction is a pain >.< would be interested in reading something you wrote that is original o.o come to think of it a part from fan fiction   i'v only read two book series in my life -.- that's kinda sad lol.


Well, giving a heads up, but I am taking a small hiatus from writing. One or two weeks so I can recover from being under the weather. Hoping not two as that meant I caught something pass the fatigue I got from my whacky work hours the last few weeks. I will be trying to post Alien Chronicles during the hiatus as it's almost done, but that might not happen since I will be avoiding my computer to help me sleep this bug off outside my work hours.


@Auto-nin  don't neglect your health while i would like to see the stories i dont want you under the weather


With it being New Years, might as well share my "sort-of" resolutions for 2015. Reason I don't call them full on resolutions is ... Well, most New Year resolutions and artists don't really mix well. Reason being we got to be pretty specific with it for it to work and hence I see them more as goals than resolutions. Some of which are continuing from last year. So, here is my goals/resolutions for 2015
          *Keep learning and get back on track with Magic Box. Also save for more classes from School of Visual Storytelling and other Chris Oatley Academy courses.
          *Read 1 book a month as minimum, but aim for 3-5 books a month.(physical books as I am aiming to read before bed to unwind my mind from all the electronics) Not putting Wattpad books to this goal due to object stated before, but hoping to read more Wattpad books this year as well.
          *Write everyday a minimum of 5 to 15 minutes a day. Roughly 500 to 1000 words a day minimum is time tracking is not possible.
          *Draw everyday at least a doodle or study, but try for more finished drawings compared to 2014. Also, make a portfolio site for said doodles and finished pieces.
          *Finish one long fanfiction this year and enter more of Wattpad's contests to complete shorter fanfiction. Also begin doing reviews on anime, manga, and light novels to improve my critiquing skills.
          *Finish art pieces and submit to art contests and festivals again.
          *Get at least the first draft of an original novel down and at most possibly do the 1st rewrite of it.
          * Do more life drawings and landscape studies(landscapes are my archenemy)!
          *Get my finances in order and build up a savings to cover the risks I will be taking in 2015(and the fact I cannot frame a piece of artwork to save my life).
          *(And the shaky one) Save up for a small portable building to make into a studio. I'm tired of sleeping in my work.
          Hope you all are enjoying your New Year's! And have a great year!