So to the nine people who follow me you probably been wondering where have I been? Or not I don’t care I would like to just vent here and now
Well it started off when my college writing professor offered me a job to be writing tutor and of course I took it because I had no monies and that’s the only way you could even be able to stand in this world. So I was doing that until May and then I got in a hit and run accident ( not gonna go into too much detail long story short I was fine, my dads truck however was not but the damage was fixable) after that I thought it would be smart to take 4 classes for the summer semester, mind you I still live with my parents so family vacation is still a thing and I have certain classes that have to be done on actual pc. If I did it on a laptop the laptop will explode so imagine trying to cram 4 chapters of programming within a week on top of everything else that’s also due that week.
And then we get to last fall semester , I did the tutoring again which it’s alright I just need something that has me on my feet more. So after taking a leap of faith in trying to overcome my own imposter syndrome (several meltdowns later) I got a seasonal job in retail which is what I’m doing now I just hope they ask for me to stay on board because it is quiet and I like my coworkers.
So that leads us to today where I’m taking meds for an internal ouchie that i hope will be gone soon. But the meds require a lot of water and I fear I may have over hydrated just a bit. So now I’m eating peanuts.
On the BRIGHT SIDE, I finally got the courage to take a creative writing class so hopefully the whole writers block stumble and help me figure out and find direction in where I want to go in my own idea of an original (and by original I mean not fanfic) story. I also fell in love with spy x family manga and I refuse to watch the anime past the manga books I have so far