This is the upcoming book for when the next school year begins. The Red Knight does take place during the Young Justice season 1.
OC: Blood Knight
Mentor: Red Tornado
Abilities: Pyrokinesis & Aerokinesis
And now for the beloved preview...
"Blood Knight!"
"Blood Knight, your having another one of your visions."
"Robin, you have to believe me, something will come. We have to be prepare, or be destroyed by it."
"We're in."
"All the world will be your enemy. When they catch you, they will kill you, but they have to catch you first."
"Everyone run!"
"What d'ya think?"
"I think it's incredible, I think you've given us a home."
"You've fought so hard for your freedom, but now... you have to fight to keep it."
"Don't give up yet, there's still hope."