
Working on 3 different books now!:) I will post when they are available!


Guuurrrll. I feel so touched. *sniffles* I think im gonna.... im gonna. TWERK! *Twerks so much she explodes*
          Helllooooo Immmm a ghooost. I have retuuuurned! I will nooow haunt alll the Non-Brossss. Thhhheeey will suffer my ghooostly twerk wrath. MWAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAAHAH. *breaks down into loud and painful fits of coughs* Owww. My ghostly throat is such a traitor. Anywho, now I got to act serious, Thank you so much XxCupCakezxX! It really means a lot. GURRRL YOU DA BOMB DIGITY. BRO BESTIES FOR LIFE! TO INFINITY AND BEYOND! *flys away  while twerking*