
Ugh, I don't know what to do! my writer's block has been insane lately! Can any of you guys give me some ideas for Eyes Beyond A Maze and Between The Sky and Earth? I'm sorry for being troublesome! I hate wasting people's time but it's my first time around the world of WattPad and I am really confused... proba ly Afraid too. 
          	Well, thanks for reading. Please comment! I need some ideas and I'd rather get ideas from my followers!
          	Sorry for wasting your time, Ellie.


Ugh, I don't know what to do! my writer's block has been insane lately! Can any of you guys give me some ideas for Eyes Beyond A Maze and Between The Sky and Earth? I'm sorry for being troublesome! I hate wasting people's time but it's my first time around the world of WattPad and I am really confused... proba ly Afraid too. 
          Well, thanks for reading. Please comment! I need some ideas and I'd rather get ideas from my followers!
          Sorry for wasting your time, Ellie.


Ive JUST released the next chapter of Eyes Beyond a Maze. I'm sorry it took so long! I've been busy with school since next week we have testing. Like, end of the year testing. Well hope you guys like it! And wish me luck on those tests, cause I am very scared. 
          Well, thanks for reading this announcement!
          Have a nice and fluffy day!


Hello! Well guys I finally posted a new story called Trail of Angels! It's a legend that a friend told me about. It involved a song of the flute and since I play flute, I thought that it'd only be fair to inform my WattPad friends about it! Hopefully you guys get the chance to read it! Have a cotton candy filled day guys!


@vegeto630 It is actually a mix of both, I pulled a few things from different folk lore and then I used my own ideas to tie everything together.


@Autumn8Spring Is Trail of Angels based on a folk lore, or is it a story you've created?


Hi Ellie-chan! Thanks for the follow! ( ^ω^ )


Yay!! * jumps up and down * I can't wait!!


            I'm already starting the next part so around after noon I'll be publishing a new part of the story!!


thank u for adding my story!


@Fairytaillover234 ok then message me through here)