
Book Two of my Elementals Series is fully published! I'm working on Book 3 right now and I will start publishing it once it's been completely edited. It will be titled The Elementals: Lost In A Turbulent Sea.


Hi guys, I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Currently I am taking down all of my Adam Lambert fanfics because I've been working on something for the last two years. It's near and dear to my heart and I can't wait to share it with everyone. It's an original idea I've had since I was sixteen years old. I drew symbols for it, created characters and I am almost ready to start publishing the first few chapters of book one. I just started writing book two. I've waited to publish it for fear of people disliking it, and I wanted to make sure I could stick with it throughout the process. Soon enough, you will have a taste of my first ever original idea. I will announce when I will publish the first few chapters this upcoming week. Stay tuned everyone!


I posted some parts of Close To Home! Go and read it! Some people already like it!!! And here’s the description—
          Tommy’s father is a police officer. They live in Salem, Oregon but they live in the western part of Salem. Tommy is sixteen when things in Salem start to turn weird. There are too many animal attacks on humans to be considered average and three new students arrive that keep to themselves. Tommy starts investigating the attacks with his best friend Raja. But eventually they learn who the new students are and why they’re here.
          Adam was born a werewolf...same with his younger brother and their younger sister. When they move back to Salem, Oregon, they don’t expect to run into trouble, that trouble being two young teens. Adam warns them to stop investigating but he knows they won’t. Adam soon discovers he’s not the only one who has returned to Salem...and he knows that he’s the only one who can stop what’s coming.


So I know it’s been a long time since I’ve posted literally ANYTHING but I haven’t been able to write any of these stories. BUT I have been writing on Google Docs a lot (always Adommy) and I love these new stories I’ve written. I don’t know if I’ll post them on here just yet bc I’m super nervous about them. Most of—if not all—of them are fantasy/sci-fi stories but that’s what I can write. I’ll give you guys some of the names of them—
          Close To Home— honestly the title won’t give any hint to what the story is I promise you
          All The Stars— this one does
          Ever The Same— Doesn’t
          And that’s about it for now! These ones are newer. If you like the titles, message me and I’ll tell you a little bit about them. And if you seriously want me to, I’ll write and post them on here.