
career? I am by profession a Doctor  of Biochemistry. I am very old (ha ha). I was a teacher for a few years. then I went into research. a friend got me in to writing sci-fi. I only wrote hard science before I met him at a World Con. his name was Dr. Issac Asimov. He is the reason I read the stories on wattpad and try to encourage new writers.  Some times I can come across rather harsh. I don't intend to do that.


@peaches0707 Well I appreciate your praise anyways. It always makes me happy when I am complimented on my work. Thank you again.


I don't count my novels in words. That is my editors job. I write my novels by hand on legal pads. 20 to 40 is the usual count. then I go back and put on computer and edit. I find that double writing them usually gives me the bones of the next one.


@peaches0707 Is this your career? I'm only in middle school, but I want to become an author when I'm older. I don't mean to ask so many questions; most of my readers aren't writers themselves, and I don't know any authors personally, so I can't really discuss it with anyone...


Reoccur and 7th creature. I have published 46 books in my lifetime so trust me you are good.


@peaches0707 Wow! That's quite a few. I have started probably around ten, but none very far. I recommend Into the beyond. I have written over seventy pages in documents, but of course haven't posted that much! I'm constantly going back and dropping subtle hints about future actions. I never know what happens until I write it. Am I the only one, or do you do that as well?