Tell me right now why I had to find out that the Spotify logo isn't straight???
I could have lived in blissful ignorance but nooooo TikTok had to ruin another thing for me
Tell me right now why I had to find out that the Spotify logo isn't straight???
I could have lived in blissful ignorance but nooooo TikTok had to ruin another thing for me
I'm actually having the time of my life rn.
I'm watching a "can you pronounce this word?" Tiktok.
Its so funny listening to how words are actually pronounced and then listening to my accent while saying them
1 thing that pisses me off about "X Readers" is the readers themselves.
Like when some of them don't like a costume described. I had the misfortune of reading :
"A-author kun is it OK if I change the costume?"
I will politely shove you out your upstairs window.
"I-I uh...I'm gonna change the costume" WHY ARE U STUTTERING OVER TEXT UNIRONICALLY ??
@outlander17 They think that everyone wants to hear their opinion. Then they get shocked when people say they're annoying. There's literally no point in them complaining about famfics when they could easily fix the "problem" or just stop reading
Me and my "friend" haven't spoken in nearly 2 months and I'm getting the really strong urge to text her.
I'm such an idiot I swear that girl has me wrapped around her finger