
Finals have me stressed, but I’m almost done! I’ve put "Snowflakes In The Dark" on hold for now. 
          	In the meantime, should I post a DC fic? I’ve been stress-writing to cope with finals. I have the first draft of my story, titled "Guns and Roses," completed; I just need to revise it. 
          	Funny enough I managed to write the fic for 46 chapters in 25 days. That's sayin' something.


Finals have me stressed, but I’m almost done! I’ve put "Snowflakes In The Dark" on hold for now. 
          In the meantime, should I post a DC fic? I’ve been stress-writing to cope with finals. I have the first draft of my story, titled "Guns and Roses," completed; I just need to revise it. 
          Funny enough I managed to write the fic for 46 chapters in 25 days. That's sayin' something.


I'm on a roll again! Just posted the next three chapters! Get excited, my lovely readers, because this story is about to take an unexpected turn! Be prepared to meet new allies and formidable foes as Morana questions the invisible hands that seem to be directing her fate!


Hello my lovely readers! I am up to where I can post Morana's new revision! What I have decided to do is move 'Frozen In Shadows' and 'Redemption or Internal Suffering' to My AO3 account. It felt like a waste to remove works that have been in the making for over five years. I didn't want to get rid of something that someone may enjoy. However, I don't want it to conflict or confuse with this new storyline. This is my main platform that I use, so this is where Morana's new revised storyline will take place! I really do hope you like it! And don't worry! You'll still get to see the same oc characters! and new ones!


Hello my lovely readers! I have big news! Morana is going through a serious revision! Meaning her entire storyline will change! Don't worry! You will still see her! What I will do is leave Frozen in Shadows and Redemption or Internal Suffering up until I have a solid working on the new book! I already have a new title for Morana! Snowflakes In The Dark. When that book is up I will be taking the two books down, along with the Third, When Worlds Collide. This book will stay the same, but will need editing when my books are back online!


I did it! I completed my editing for Redemption Or Internal Suffering!!! Can you believe it! I'm so excited to move onto my third book in this series! This next book is a collaboration with @pandaunicornslover! This one will be a while before it get's published! But stay tune my lovely readers! We got a whole lot planned for you all!


@pandaunicornslover thank you so much!!! I really have you to thank for all the progress and support you have given me!! I love you so much!! ;-;


Ahhh!! I can’t wait!!


Yay!! I’m so proud of you!! You worked so hard!!


Hello my readers! I have an important announcement! It has been five years since I started this storyline of Morana Kaida Dragneel. And It has grown so much and I am very thankful for all the support and friends I have made since. It first started out as two books, then a third came along, but then a fourth! The fourth is a collaboration with a now close friend of mine Mish! I love you so much! And I am now glad to pronouce that I am planning a fifth book to this story line!! I had to unpublished The final end as it needs heavy editing. But I am almost done with the second book! Thank you so much to everyone!


I love you more!! <333


Hello my readers!! I'm am currently going through Frozen in Shadows and changing all the chapter titles. Yes I am working on the second book, along with my new book Catch me if you can. While working on another book with another friend of mine! It actually goes along with my Frozen in Shadows series! So stay tune my readers!