
Thank you so much for 7 followers! I’m glad you like my stories enough to reward me with that many followers! Thank you so much!! ☺️✨


Hey, can I slide into your DMs real quick?


Don't feel afraid to correct me on a spelling error, also, slanted words will only be spotted in the characters POV, it technically is just the character thinking, in case you didn't know :) have an awesome rest of your day


For some odd reason, I have ideas for almost every story I have on here, but some stories are discontinued  till' I have ideas for them, like my Skephalo book, and other stuff you might realize I don't update stories very much, but that doesn't mean I'm not writing! I love writing stories :)


I am so sorry i left! First there was no more wifi, then the badeirys died on my remote then i lost my remote (i do wattpad on my T.V.) and that's why I've been gone for so long (And also because dont go on this  app 


Battery’s* again, slow learner