If you're reading this you're probably nosy and want to know who I am :') I'm sorry to put you through this pain but HERE IT IS!

My name is not important. I am a man of many faces. You can call Nari, or you can simply wave at me and yell out 'DOOOOOOODDDEE' and i'll probably respond with a weird look and yell out 'I'M CONFUUUSED'... In which case you've earned +5 points for being predictable.

I AM SPONTANEOUS. I don't know what it is I'm doing until I do it because I like to live without planning anything. :o I like to randomly burst into song, anywhere from the random outbreak of death metal, to random songs from various Disney titles (don't get me started on Under The Sea >.>).

INTERESTS... Let me think...
I like bacon. Well, who doesn't like bacon. I mean, it's just SO GOOD <3_<3
But seriously. I'm a gamer. I love my role players. I like to run around with a bow and shoot things until they stop moving only to run up to them and dance on their corpses.
Don't get me started on Monster Hunter. I've spent more time doing that then I have consciously breathing.
Music wise I could honestly listen to anything. o.O Occasionally in my playlist 'A thousand miles - Vanessa Carlton' will be sandwiched between Blacklisted Me, Get Scared, Celldweller, Dead By April and Whitechapel. XD I like anything, really. Unless it doesn't make me want to walk around the house making wobs, wubs and wobbles.

I live with my family and two little maltese terriers. :) They're two adorable little bubbies that can't share their food and have to fight just to get their entitlement to their dog mush. :(
  • I honestly don't even know
  • JoinedMarch 12, 2014
