
Something Suitably dramatic, for the rest of time perhaps...


For the past few months, I've been watching Naruto, and Naruto Shippuden, soaking in as much lore as I can outside the shows and reading the manga (I just finished my first watch through 2 weeks ago), and I have to say... I have some ideas...


TFoD Roadmap:
          Book One- Remains mostly the same
          Book Two- Significant rewrites for plot-reasons, but the story beats are there
          Book 3- Has a lot the same except the factors of Book 1 and 2's changes will effect it in a major way
          Books 4 and 5- That is for Me to know and for others to discover, but it is quite significant
          Books 6-9- LoK with changes factored by all of  the previous Books, You'll see


A Small excerpt from The Chapter: 
          I glared at Him from under my helmet, clearly We needed to be more careful, We were making Friends, but with Friends always came Enemies... such was the way of War.


@ShockTrooperCorps I would love to see it, although where's The Fanfic? It's not showing up in my notifs


This quote is a cookie crumb of what is to come at the end of the next chapter... "I sense a disturbance, something... sinister..." -Anakin Skywalker, I have only this to say... get ready for all heck to break loose, for the last few chapters allowed our heroes to bond and breathe for a bit, they no longer will have that luxury; You'll see... *Evil Laughter*


the next chapter is on it's way.