
Today would have been Stan Lee's 99th birthday... Rest in peace, legend ❤


I just read your bio and now I refuse to stop calling Thor- Thor Pop-tart Odinson    
          Like why is that so amazing


@DumbledorLikesTea It’s so fitting. It's like his while personality in one word 


Hey guys,
          I know it's been a while, I've been going through some pretty crazy stuff that I don't wanna get into right now, but I'm back now! I really needed this break for my mental health. I just updated Legendary and Ever After. I also had a brilliant idea for two more fanfics...and I'm insane so I might publish them and have six fanfics going at the same time...anyway. 
          How are you all doing? Also please don't spoil No Way Home, my friends are trying to spoil it and I literally am not listening to them because I can't go watch it until New Year's.
          So...to all of you who have obsessively messaged me to update...your persuasion finally worked and you actually gave me motivation to update, so thank you. 
          Love you all 3000!



Hey everyone!
          I know I haven't been updating this week but I'm so tired. I had gym every day because the school thinks we didnt do enough sports during quarantine. Its honestly exactly like military drills (I like to think of Peggy shouting at us to pick up the pace). ANYWAY I got vaccinated today. And that's not the best part - I GOT TO SKIP ARABIC. People in Lebanon know this- Arabic teachers are freaking scary. But seriously you guys if you haven't gotten vaccinated go do it! It really doesn't hurt that much, my arm just feels sore. 
          I might update this weekend. I'll update Legendary and Ever After for sure but I'm not sure about the others.
          So. Yeah.
          Have a good day/night lovelies!!


@pashmit101 It took me forever to make I'm glad you liked it :)


@Avengers_Captain loved the intro for legendary on your yt channel btw


3rd day of school.
           What I did in school: 
          -Come up with nicknames for all my teachers (they're really good ones I'm so proud of them)
          - Get lost like 5 times (it's a new building)
          - Lose my phone three times 
          So yeah. (What I said at the end if my presentation) (yes we had to do a presentation)
          177 more days to go. and I'm already tired. I'll update my books once I get some sleep.


You already had presentations 3 days in?? Yikes lol, looking forward to future updates but as always sleep is most important :)


"In my culture, death is not the end."
          Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman. You will always be remembered.


@Avengers_Captain His legacy will live on forever <3